mikeh, on 2022-October-28, 20:42, said:
I’m well aware of the rationale behind responding to a quantitative 4N as if it were simple Blackwood. I merely happen to think that such is a sub-optimal usage
In a "simple" partnership, what do you suggest is more optimal than responding Blackwood if you are otherwise accepting the invitation (if you are "certain" you aren't missing 2 aces, you can just bid slam), and passing if you are declining the invitation??? So, you are suggesting that it is optimal trying to find a suit fit starting at the 5 level, but then you risk getting to say a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit with Kxxxx opposite Axx with a certain trump loser. You could try to define suit quality to avoid this, but now you are getting way out of the simple range.
There's also the question of whether a suit slam actually is better than 6NT. Scoring wise, even at IMPs 6NT wins 2 IMPs over a minor suit slam if both make, and at matchpoints a making 6NT is a lot better. Sure, sometimes you can get an extra ruffing trick in a suit contract that makes a suit contract better, or maybe trump control is a key. But a suit contract could go down because you have poor trumps for slam and have to lose an unexpected trick in trumps, or maybe you get a bad trump break, or a ruff. And then there are the results from Rosenkranz's research that the biggest advantage of a suit slam is at the low end of the HCP range, e.g. 31-32 HCP, which will usually happen when opener is at the lower end for a NT opener so more likely to decline an invitational 4NT. And the reason for CONFI was determining if the partnership has 10+ controls, since otherwise, small slam was usually a 50% finesse at best.
So, is quantitative Blackwood sub-optimal? Yes, but it has the big advantage of being simple and easily understood, and doesn't take a lot of partnership discussion.
Is looking for a suit fit at the 5 level optimal? I would say a qualified yes if both partners have excellent judgement, and are on the same page about expected suit quality and hand strength, i.e. exactly when do you pass 4NT, when do you look for a trump fit, and when do you just accept 6NT. If the partner's aren't on the same page, then I would say probably no.