South was in 3NT and had made 10 tricks. At trick 11 she led a small heart off the dummy and East won with the ♥K (declarer throwing a club), leaving the position above. Then East played the ♥Q, but before anyone else played she also placed the ♣Q on the table. East made no statement as she put down the two cards.
Declarer started to score the hand as 10 tricks, but I pointed out that if that East intended to claim, the director might rule 11 tricks (i.e. that a careless line under Law 70D2 would be for West to play the HA on the HQ and hence dummy wins the last trick). Of course, I should have called the director (Law 68D)! But I thought it best first to establish the facts - primarily, that East had claimed the last two tricks.
West was having none of it. He should probably have called the Director as well (lol). But instead he kept insisting that he'd followed with the H8 to the HQ (though I didn't see him play H8, and if he had played H8 he was playing out of turn because declarer had not played to that trick), and that "only a moron" would overtake the HQ with the Ace. I never got to explain that the bar for "moron-ness" when it comes to claims is actually rather low, particularly when a defender is claiming and the number of tricks for each side depends on the play of her partner's cards. But to West, that would have been "irrelevant" anyway since he did not think a claim occurred.
Wow, it almost sounds like a lamford post - but it happened, I promise you! So, over to you. How would you rule?