IMPs Lead ♥3 Table Result 4♠= NS+620
After various "Rules Ruses" by ChCh in recent weeks, SB was planning revenge at his next opportunity at the North London club this week. Before his opening lead, SB, West, asked about the alerted 4♣ bid and RR, North, replied "Splinter". ChCh, South, started to correct it to "Specifically a void. 3NT would have been any splinter, but RR often forgets that, because he thinks he is not allowed to bid no-trumps." However, SB had, quick as a flash, tabled the three of hearts before ChCh could begin to say "Specifically".
SB called the TD, of course, in his normal boorish manner, and said that there had been misinformation before the opening lead, only corrected after it. OO arrived, and said "You can't change the lead now. Play on. I will stand ready to award an adjusted score if I deem the misinformation damaged the non-offenders". ChCh made a diamond, two hearts, three club ruffs and four trumps in his thin contract, but SB was not finished.
"If I had had correct information, I would have led the queen of spades, attempting to cut down on ruffs, and specifically the queen so that I don't get endplayed with it if partner has ♠Kx", he remarked. "That would have been almost automatic if I had known dummy had a void, and RR deliberately misled me with his answer to the question. He should not have been answering anyway". I think you will find that ChCh cannot make it on the lead of the ♠Q.
"Hmmm", replied OO, "I shall poll one or two other experts at the club and see what they lead on the correct information". "Irrelevant", responded SB, "you will have difficulty finding any peers of me in this club, and what is relevant is what I would have done with the correct information. The fact that I called the TD immediately after the correction should weigh heavily in my favour."
How do you rule?