Yesterday, I logged into BBO to see the V-graph from Brazil but did not see anything !
Was it canceled ?
Roland, do you have some info ? Can we hope to see anything today ?
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Brazilian Championships
Posted 2007-September-07, 07:38
Two hours before the start of QF1 yesterday I got an e-mail from the organisers in Brazil. "Short of staff, can't broadcast from the quarter-finals. First vugraph will be SF1 at 23:30 GMT."
I tried to make our webmaster take the QFs off the schedule web page, but he didn't see the e-mail until later in the afternoon his time. He deleted them as soon as he possibly could.
They got started on time (more or less) and did finish without major problems, so as far as I know the broadcast will continue as scheduled at 16:00 GMT (18.00 CET, 17.00 London, 12 noon New York, 9 am Los Angeles) Friday.
I tried to make our webmaster take the QFs off the schedule web page, but he didn't see the e-mail until later in the afternoon his time. He deleted them as soon as he possibly could.
They got started on time (more or less) and did finish without major problems, so as far as I know the broadcast will continue as scheduled at 16:00 GMT (18.00 CET, 17.00 London, 12 noon New York, 9 am Los Angeles) Friday.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice
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