- weak NT opening , so the weakest balanced option of strong club is 16-18
- 1C-(1-level overcall)-Dbl shows 5-7 hcp ANY shape (I know this may not be your preferred option, but just assume you have to play this agreement)
You are dealer at matchpoints, say all vuln
1D overcall was natural;
Dbl shows 5-7 hcp ANY shape.
What is the right bid ?
I suppose 1NT should show the minimum 16-18 bal + stopper.
So I chose to cuebid 2D.
I found it extremely difficult to figure out the kinf of hand of the double.
He could have a bal hand + stop, a bal hand without stop, a shapely hand; moreover, he may be maximum or minimum.
Especially if opeenr has to cuebid, most responses to the qbid will still leave responder's hand undefined, and that will nbe a problem especially when opener has a close decision between game or not.
I suppose this is a problem conditoioned by the use of 1-level dbl showing only hcp and nothing about shape, but right now I HAVE to stick with this approach.
Any comments ? (besides "just change approach" or "just change system" or "just use semipositive/seminegative responses" or "just change game" = comments on what would you do if you had to play the same agreement)
Question 1
Should I maybe bid 2NT ?
Would it be different if I held 19 uinstead of 20 ?
Question 2
If the cuebid is correct, the questions are:
a) what is responder's priority ?
- show a stop in overcall suit ?
- show a 5 card suit? show a 4 card major ?
- what should responder bid with
♠JTxx♥xx♦KJxx♣xxx (bal, diamonds stopped )
- what should responder bid with
♠JTxx♥KJxx♦xx♣xxx (bal diamonds unstopped )
Question 3
Assuming the same bidding sequence, what should be the bid with a 16-18 balanced *without stopper*, and how to differentiate the hcp ranges (16-18/19-20 ot 21/22-23 or 24, etc).
If it is a cuebid anyway, assume in all of these hands you will receive a responder rebid in clubs, should u cuebid again with hand 3.2 and 3.3 ?
Hand 3.1
Hand 3.2
Hand 3.2