blackshoe, on 2012-April-28, 08:14, said:
What is the basis of this likelihood that partner intended an alertable meaning? What is the basis of your "fair guess"? It's not as simple as you seem to think.
I'm never certain of my agreements. I'm unsure of my practical legal obligations.. I don't know whether the procedure I suggested is correct. I accept that it's a time-wasting and convoluted palaver. I confess that I usually guess and live with possible MI consequences

But, for more reticent players there seems to be much scope for concealment

As for other current anomalies, solutions are possible. Law simplification would mitigate common problems. It is natural that prevaricators resist such suggestions tooth and nail. For example, when asked about partner's call, if you;re unsure about its systemic meaning, then ...
- You must leave the table and partner must explain his intended meaning OR
- You must always make the best guess that you can, unprompted. AND
- Phrases like "Just Bridge" or "Common Bridge Knowledge and Experience" are treated as gratuitous profanity