Notice of Thread/Post Moderation A place where moderators describe action
Posted 2013-January-17, 13:28
Posted 2013-January-29, 10:00
Posted 2013-February-06, 12:09
Posted 2013-February-25, 10:11
Posted 2013-February-25, 10:23
Posted 2013-February-25, 10:27
"...we live off being battle-scarred veterans who manage to hate our opponents slightly more than we hate each other.” -- Hamman, re: Wolff
Posted 2013-February-26, 09:19
Posted 2013-March-01, 16:10
Posted 2013-March-05, 12:51
Seriously the guy adds nothing, constantly trolls and gets into flame wars, and says things like that. At least he's low volume I guess.
Posted 2013-March-05, 19:00
JLOGIC, on 2013-March-05, 12:51, said:
Seriously the guy adds nothing, constantly trolls and gets into flame wars, and says things like that. At least he's low volume I guess.
I gather that you dislike me and I can live with that but why vent your spleen on the monitors? They have shown superior courage and judgment, and also tolerance to your own peccadilloes.
If you wish to be fair then I suggest you re-read(?) the topic starting at Vampyr's first post.
Posted 2013-March-05, 19:35
1) Vampyr's first post, assuming no editing has taken place, could be at worst be described as lacking tact. It did not come across as offensive.
2) Scarabin's posts should absolutely warrant a ban. Suggestions of that sort have no place in any internet forum that I wish to be a member of.
Posted 2013-March-05, 20:06
mr1303, on 2013-March-05, 19:35, said:
There has been no editing, and I admit that it did lack tact. Sorry to all for provoking the venom that has offended so many.
Posted 2013-March-05, 20:37
Vampyr, on 2013-March-05, 20:06, said:
That venom is not your responsibility and you need not apologize for it.
Posted 2013-March-06, 03:48
JLOGIC, on 2013-March-05, 12:51, said:
Just you and the ad spammers I think! But I agree wholeheartedly, messages such as this have no place on these forums.
Posted 2013-March-06, 09:35
Zelandakh, on 2013-March-06, 03:48, said:
Haha, actually think I was never banned from BBF, only BBO, but I'm not 100 % sure. That and lurpoa make me think that maybe no one ever gets banned here.
This is the moderation thread. I am making a suggestion to the moderators. If they choose not to ban you then fine, but this seemed like an appropriate place to bring it to their attention, and also could potentially spawn a discussion on whether people get banned, and for what, and how far they have to go. I suspect it's more on a case by case basis, but who knows, that could be a useful conversation to have.
I agree the mods in general do a good job, that is why I brought this to them.
Posted 2013-March-06, 09:56
I have no problem with the general idea of people being banned although there should probably be a suspension first in most cases.
- billw55
Posted 2013-March-06, 10:06
lalldonn, on 2013-March-06, 09:56, said:
I have no problem with the general idea of people being banned although there should probably be a suspension first in most cases.
Posted 2013-March-06, 10:13
It has happened to me at least twice, both times for being rude to Al_U_Card during global warming threads.
FWIW, I think that Scarabin is an idiot, a troll, or perhaps both.
I didn't see his most recent posting (wish I had) but I don't think that his original posts warrant a ban.
Then again, I don't think anything that I've done warrants a ban with the exception of a rather choice vindictive directed towards Vampyr which didn't result in anything, so what do I know...