Overcalling system They open? No problem
Posted 2004-June-30, 12:43
the system is based in an original work from a local player and modifications
made by him and my partnership.
When they open 1x:
Double is 15+ any (power doubles)
1NT is a takeout double of their opening bid (11-14) Offshape is ok as long as you have 5332 or 4432 with 2 4 card suits outside the opening bid suit.
Level overcall: Either one suited in the suit bid or a two suiter (can be canape) of the suit bid and the second highest suit (opening suit is eliminated)
2NT: Any weak(ish) 5-5 two suiter.
cue: Three suiter short to opener's suit
Jump overcalls: Weak
Example of "level" overcalls
If they open 1c
1d = diamonds or diamonds and spades
1h = hearts or hearts and diamonds
1s = spades or spades and hearts
After a level overcall the relay (the suit that overcaller denied) is used as a relay, overcaller indicates in his 2nd bid if he has a one-suited hand, a two suited hand in canape, or a two suited hand with the 1st suit longer. If available 1NT shows a balanced one suited hand (5332)
(1d) 1h : Hearts or hearts and clubs
1s relay
1N = 5332 with hearts
2c = Canape hearts < clubs
2d = Hearts and clubs h>c
2h = One suited with hearts
A second relay is then used to find the exact distribution, then your favourite slam tools can be used to determine controls and location of controls.
In some cases advancer will be interested in the suit that overcalled denied (the relay suit) in that case he bids the "cuebid" as an asking bid in the missing suit, the answers are:
1st step: Minimum without support
2nd step: Minimum with Support
3rd step: Maximum without support
4th step: Maximum without support
After this advancer can bid a relay to ask for shortness 1st step=no shortness, others= shortage up the line.
After a 1NT overcall we use
2x = Natural NF, with maximum and support overcaller can raise
3x = Inv with 5 card suit
Cue: Asking bid
1st step: 4432 odd suit = same color as declarer (if declarer opened 1s for example this shows 4-4 in hearts and diamonds since the odd suit is clubs)
2nd step: 4432 odd suit = same range
3rd step: 4432 odd suit = alternate
4th step: 5332 suit = same color
5th step: 5332 suit = same range
5th step: 5332 suit = alternate
Overcaller can choose between 1NT and a level overcall with 5332 depending on his strength, suit quality, intermediates, etc. Generally we recommend the level overcall showing the suit inmediately so 1NT is almost always a 4432 hand with 2 4 card suits outside the opening suit.
After the power double:
The 1st bid not NT available shows a negative. Others 9+ and stablish a GF situation.
Continuations are natural. Overcaller usually uses DBL or a cue to show a hand with 19+ hcp and bids naturally with 15-18.
Some Advantages:
- Relays can be used to show exact distribution and explore best game/slam
- 1NT can take quickly off your chest a hand with 13-14 points and 4432 shape even
with a doubleton in "the other major" or similar.
- Pd inmediately knows the combined HCP since overcalls and 1NT are limited and double is always 15+
I'm open to questions and comments and of course improvements :-)
Posted 2004-June-30, 13:51
Posted 2004-June-30, 13:57
Free, on Jun 30 2004, 07:51 PM, said:
Nope, we use the normal tools and weapons against 2x opening bids.
Some soup against multi 2d (ala Dixon), Leb after 2x doubled etc.
The overcalling system applies only to 1x opening bids by opps.
Posted 2004-June-30, 13:59
luis, on Jun 30 2004, 07:43 PM, said:
1st step: Minimum without support
2nd step: Minimum with Support
3rd step: Maximum without support
4th step: Maximum without support
After this advancer can bid a relay to ask for shortness 1st step=no shortness, others= shortage up the line.
Typo perhaps? 4th step "with" support I guess ?
Posted 2004-June-30, 14:14
Free, on Jun 30 2004, 07:59 PM, said:
luis, on Jun 30 2004, 07:43 PM, said:
1st step: Minimum without support
2nd step: Minimum with Support
3rd step: Maximum without support
4th step: Maximum without support
After this advancer can bid a relay to ask for shortness 1st step=no shortness, others= shortage up the line.
Typo perhaps? 4th step "with" support I guess ?
Yes :-)
I typed fast, you can find other typos/errors. Hope the general idea can be understood.
Posted 2004-June-30, 14:23
Level overcalls:
1C ?
1D = D or D-S
1H = H or H-D
1S = S or S-H
1D ?
1H = H or H-C
1S = S or S-H
2C = C or C-S
1H ?
1S = S or S-D
2C = C or C-S
2D = D or D-C
1S ?
2C = C or C-H
2D = D or D-C
2H = H or H-D
Posted 2004-June-30, 14:41
After knowing if the hand is a one suited hand or a two suiter we are using the Viking club relays because we use Viking club but you can use Moscito or other structures to resolve a 6+-x-x-x hand for the one suited hands and a 5+-4+-x-x for the two suited hands.
In case it's useful
After a one suited hand is shown and relay:
1st step: 6322 (relay asks 3 card suit)
2nd step: 6331 (relay asks about singleton)
3rd step: 7321 (relay asks about singleton)
4th step: 7330 (relay asks about void)
3NT shows 7-2-2-2 and if that's in the middle of steps they are moved. So 3NT is always the 7222 hand.
After a 5+-4+ two suiter and relay:
1st step: 6-4 hand or 7-4 hand (relay asks about rest: 1-2;2-1;0-3;3-0;1-1;0-2;2-0)
2nd step: 5-5 (relay asks same steps as before)
3rd step: 5422
4th step: 54 with 1-3 in the rest
5th step: 54 with 3-1 in the rest
6th step: 6-5 hand
Posted 2004-June-30, 15:27
If 1NT is not available, how do you show a 5332 distribution? 2NT? Or as singlesuiter?
And one other thingy: how do you invite with support? First relay and then support or cuebid? Or somehow else?
Posted 2004-June-30, 18:13
Im sure you will bid slams better then normal overcallers, but slam after an overcall are rare, the question is what do you pay, and is it worth it, im sure you can answer this better then me, how does the system work for the partsoce battle which is usually the case.
Posted 2004-July-01, 01:10
I've encountered two other couples playing 1NT as take-out, but I thought an overcall against a natural 1-in-a-suit has to show either a 4-card in a known suit or 13+ HCP.
Posted 2004-July-01, 06:15
Flame, on Jul 1 2004, 12:13 AM, said:
Im sure you will bid slams better then normal overcallers, but slam after an overcall are rare, the question is what do you pay, and is it worth it, im sure you can answer this better then me, how does the system work for the partsoce battle which is usually the case.
Being able to find good slams is only a very minor advantage of the system, among the great things that happened in one hand we asked about controls to play 3s !!
Posted 2004-July-01, 08:51
I would have tried it if i my normal system was based on relay, but adding this to a non relay system seems a bit too much, i might offer this to friend who play relay.
Posted 2004-July-01, 09:12
Posted 2004-July-01, 16:44
Posted 2004-July-02, 06:54
Flame, on Jul 1 2004, 10:44 PM, said:
Flame: I think that learning relays and how to use them is actually easier than learning natural bidding.
Posted 2004-July-02, 07:09
Posted 2004-July-04, 03:23
x = any card, so how to bid with weak hands, invitational hands,...?
1) bidding goes: (1♦)-2♣-pass-?
2) same bidding,
3) opener bids 1♦ or 1♥, and you have:
Do you really have to overcall 2♣?? And what if bidding goes:
Do you bid 3♠?
Posted 2004-July-04, 04:01
1. pass
2. pass
3. 1sp
just like with a natural system.
As to the last question, this is exactly a what i was talking about when i asked how will it will work in the parscore battle, and yes i think the answer is to bid 3sp (if you started with 2c)
Posted 2004-July-04, 05:55
Free, on Jul 4 2004, 09:23 AM, said:
I think you missed this bit Flame.
Posted 2004-July-04, 08:03
MickyB, on Jul 4 2004, 06:55 AM, said:
Free, on Jul 4 2004, 09:23 AM, said:
I think you missed this bit Flame.
Hey im not the one who was asked here, i was only guessing so dont have to give full answers
Anyway didnt understand the question, the quete "x = any card.." im not sure where did free take it from, it seems like he asks how to respond to overcall with weak or invitational hands, im guessing with weak hands you pass,
also i am guessing that you can support with 3 cards (even tho parter can have only 4) at least to the 2 level, jump cue and 2nt are probably used to show 4 card support with mixed/inv+ , you can show the forth suit by cue bidding.
And when you feel you cant do all that you just pass.
The hardest case is probebly 3 card support with inv hand, and with this you will use the relay which can hurt sometimes when the opponents push with another competitve bid, partner will not know of our supprt.