2nt openers
Posted 2010-November-16, 20:51
Posted 2010-November-16, 21:43
5-5 should be easily handled via 4♣ showing both Majors and asking partner to choose one. Then if you pass that's it and if you want a slam you go on. I suppose you might be able to stop at the 5-lvl in this case.
5-4 depends on the version of puppet and transfer you play. I play:
2NT 3♣
3♦ 3 or less hearts, might have 4 spades but not 5
3♥ 4 or 5 hearts, not 4 spades
3♠ Exactly 5 spades
3NT 4 hearts and 4 spades
2NT 3♣
3♦ 3♥ Asks about spades
3♠ shows that amount of cards in the suit
3NT shows only 2 spades
4♠ shows 4 spades
If you use this the only problem is 5♥ and 4♠.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2010-November-17, 03:16
3♦ = at least one 4 card Major
3♥ = no 4 or 5 card Major
...3♠ = 5+♠, 4+♥ (and you can still rebid 4♥ or 4♠ to show extra length)
3♠ = 5♠
3NT = 5♥ (now 4♦ = transfer)
This doesn't rightside ♠ contracts, but it lets you show all these hands easily. You can also change some further continuations to rightside the contracts but that just makes it more complicated.
With 5♥-4♠ just transfer and bid 3♠.
Hanoi, what is 2NT-3♣-3♦-3♠ for you?
Posted 2010-November-17, 05:49
Personally I play something not dissimilar to Hanoi rather than the Muppet solution of Free.
2NT - 3C
3D = 4 hearts and/or 3-4 spades
3M = 5+ suit
3N = 2 spades, 2-3 hearts
2NT - 3C; 3D
3H = denies 4 hearts
3S = shows 4 hearts, denies 4 spades
3N = 4 hearts, 4 spades, NF
4C = 4+ hearts, 4+ spades, slam interest
4D = 5+ spades, 4+ hearts, pick-a-major
4H = 5 clubs, 4 diamonds, slam interest
4S = 5 diamonds, 4 clubs, slam interest
2NT - 3C; 3D - 4C
4D = 3 spades, 2-3 hearts (no fit)
4H = 4 hearts, decline slam try
4S = 4 spades, decline slam try
4N = 4 spades, accept slam try [5C = RKCB]
5C and up = RKCB responses with 4 hearts and acceptance of slam try
2NT - 3C; 3D - 4C; 4D
4H = 5+ spades [4S declines slam try, 4N and up = RKCB responses]
4S = 5+ hearts [with 2 hearts 4N min, 5N max; with 3 hearts 5C-5S are RKCB responses]
4N = 4 hearts, 4 spades
In this sort of scheme there is no single bid to show 5-5 in the majors. Rather you build up distributional information slowly looking for a fit taking advantage of bids that are necessary in any case to handle 4-4 and 5-4 hands. If there is a misfit then you find out immediately with the 3NT response to 3C. The awkward hand in this puppet structure is a non-slam hand with 4 spades and 5 hearts. This is handled via the transfer sequence 2NT - 3D - 3H - 3NT.
Posted 2010-November-17, 06:30
" I have seen a host of systems over 2NT that solve most problems but at the cost of way too much complexity. "
"That said, I'd love to see how long it takes for a hand where Puppet leads to a good result in a 5-3 fit to come up. Sure, you could find one in a book, but I'd like to see one from actual play."
" I think the important issue for systems over 2NT is NOT whether 4M or 3nt is better... but in the ACCURACY of finding fits for slams. "
" In Puppet, a problem for Responder in showing a minor definitely exists " ( referring to 4M/6m hands ).
Then there is another gem posted here by Zel:
" This ( Puppet version ) is great until Responder forgets..." .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your post has reminded me of an omission in my recent post: 5s/5h, slammish ( over 2NT ).
My proposed scheme involved NO Puppet... just regular Stayman.
I need the sequence: 2NT - 3D! - 3H - 3S! = 5s/5h, slammish....
whereas, in traditional Puppet, that sequence is required to show 4s/5h .
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2010-November-17, 07:18
Free, on 2010-November-17, 03:16, said:
- hrothgar
Posted 2010-November-17, 08:27
han, on 2010-November-17, 07:18, said:
I know you're still around laughing like a little girl, and I know swapping 2 calls in a simple system is too difficult for you. There's really no need to brag about it.
Posted 2010-November-17, 15:54
It is simple and easy to remember.
After 2NT
3C = puppet
3D = transfer to hearts
3H = transfer to spades
3S is a relay to 3NT
then responder follow ups: pass is to play and other bids show the minors:
4C = single suit clubs
4D = single suit diamonds
4H = both minors, longer clubs
4S = both minors, longer diamonds
4NT= both minors equal length
3NT = 5 spades, 4 hearts, no slam interest
With 5 hearts and 4 spades (all strengths) transfer to hearts and then bid spades
With 5 spades and 4 hearts and slam interest transfer to spades and then bid hearts.
Posted 2010-November-17, 16:44
arete, on 2010-November-17, 15:54, said:
It is simple and easy to remember.
After 2NT
3C = puppet
3D = transfer to hearts
3H = transfer to spades
3S is a relay to 3NT
then responder follow ups: pass is to play and other bids show the minors:
4C = single suit clubs
4D = single suit diamonds
4H = both minors, longer clubs
4S = both minors, longer diamonds
4NT= both minors equal length
3NT = 5 spades, 4 hearts, no slam interest
With 5 hearts and 4 spades (all strengths) transfer to hearts and then bid spades
With 5 spades and 4 hearts and slam interest transfer to spades and then bid hearts.
I play the 3♠ bid as you do but:
2N-3♣ is not puppet: 3♥/♠ show 5, 3N shows at most 2♠/3♥, other hands bid 3♦ over which 3♥/♠ show 4 and over 3♥ you can bid 3♠ with 4.
2N-4♣ Gerber
2N-4♦ 5-5 majors, game is enough or definitely going on
With 5♠/4♥ we bid 2N-3♣ and the system sorts it out
With 5♥/4♠ we bid 2N-3♦-3♥-3♠
With 5-5 and a marginal slam try, we bid 2N-3♥-3♠-4♥
Posted 2010-November-17, 20:13
Free, on 2010-November-17, 03:16, said:
Erm, I guess it doesn't exist. If 2NT-3♦ opener can bid hearts with fit, spades with 4 cards and no fit and no trump with 3 spades and 2 hearts.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2010-November-17, 22:56
Otherwise I'd prefer Romex Stayman, which is basically what Hanoi suggested. This works as:
2N-3♦-3♥-3♠ handles the 5/5 majors hand
... 3♦ = less than 4♥, might have 4♠
... 3♥ = 4-5♥, less than 4♠
... 3♠ = 5♠
... 3N = 4-4 majors
After 2N-3♣-3♦:
... 3♥ = asks about spades, shows 4-5♠ (now 3♠ shows three spades, 3N shows two spades, and 4x shows four spades)
... 3♠ = shows 5♥ and 4♠, like smolen, gives opener choice of contracts
... 3N = no more major suit interest
... 4m = natural, slammish, no major suit fit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2010-November-18, 03:35
2N-3C-3N = 4-4 in Majors (Responder transfers at 4 level into fit)
2N-3C-3S = 5 Spades
2N-3C-3H = 4 or 5 Hearts, fewer than 4 Spades
....... then 3S asks opener to distinguish between 4 or 5 Hearts (3N = 4). Responder implies holding 3 Hearts or ST
2N-3C-3D = Fewer than 5 Spades and fewer than 4 Hearts
........then 3N = 4-5-?-?
...............3S = Puppet to 3N
...............3H = Enquiry about Spade length, implying at least 4 (possibly 5-4-?-?) or ST
...............3H-4C+ = 4 x Spades
...............3H-3N = 2 x Spades
...............3H-3S = 3 x Spades
You can reverse the 3N and 3S rebids by responder if you consider a lead-directing double of 3S to be a greater risk than wrong-siding a 4S contract.
In this way (as with many other schemes)
(1) Responder starts with 3C on any hand with 5-4 or 4-5 in the majors or with no 5 card major.
(2) Major suit contracts are always played by opener
(3) Pretty easy to remember
2N-3D = any 2-suiter (at least 5-5) or a hand with a 5 card major and fewer than 4 in the other major
2N-3D-3N = 2-5-?-?
2N-3D-3S = 5-2-?-?
2N-3D-3H = anything else, over which
2N-3D-3H-4C+ = 2-suiters
...............3N = 5 x Spades, NF
...............3S = 5 x Hearts OR a hand with long Spades and no interest in 3N (the only case that wrong-sides Spades)
...............3S-4C = Heart fit
...............3S-3N = contract suggestion opposite (assumed) 5 x Hearts
All balanced hands go through 3C response, and this means that all initial responses from 3H+ show distributional slam tries (not 5-5). If you work through the Fibonacci sequences the number of hand types that you can show by the time that you get to 4N are quite substantial.
If you are committed to using red suit transfers in conjunction with the above 3C response, then 2N-3D-3H-3S becomes a redundant sequence for showing 4-5 shape (as this is catered for in 3C response). You COULD use it to show 5-5 in the majors, with the advantage that you get to play in 3N if opener has 2-2 in the majors. Personally I think that this is a poor use of a low-level sequence to describe a low-frequency hand type, in a situation where low-level sequences come at a premium. I haven't spent any time thinking of alternative uses because I think that the above alternative to rst is superior anyway.
The main thing to agree if using rst is NOT to use 2N-3H-3S-4H to show 5-5, as you cannot (then) show both weak and strong hand types in that sequence. Better to use
2N-3H-3S-4C = diamond suit
...............4D = heart suit
...............4H = club suit (F)
or similar (variations that use 4C to show heart suit also work)
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2010-November-19, 12:03
Free, on 2010-November-17, 03:16, said:
3♦ = at least one 4 card Major
3♥ = no 4 or 5 card Major
...3♠ = 5+♠, 4+♥ (and you can still rebid 4♥ or 4♠ to show extra length)
3♠ = 5♠
3NT = 5♥ (now 4♦ = transfer)
This doesn't rightside ♠ contracts, but it lets you show all these hands easily. You can also change some further continuations to rightside the contracts but that just makes it more complicated.
With 5♥-4♠ just transfer and bid 3♠.
This is exactly the way I play too - it seems to me the best compromise between being effective and keeping it (relatively) simple.
(Mahan Khalsa)