Interesting play problem.
But firstly, lol@2S. Come on, what hand doubles? Bidding 2S shows that you don't trust partner to be declarer. You deserve to have partner be a 2425 and preference Diamonds and get doubled and have to play it. 2S shows a 4+S/6+D hand.
After cashing
♦AK you need to find one of the black kings onside. If it's the Spade King, exit in clubs (overtaking the
♣J if necessary) to take the Spade finesse and ruff two Spades. If it's the Club King then Exit with the
♠Q! and then ruff two Spades and take the Club finesse. Unfortunately, you have to guess which King is on your right, and there's nothing to go on. 50% chance. Maybe cashing the
♦AK was wrong (especially since Hearts rate to be 6-3, so the percentage play must be to finesse in Diamonds .... if Hearts are 5-4 then on the bidding I'd say it's even clearer to hook in Diamonds - RHO bidding conservatively with 4 trumps and LHO bidding aggressively).
♦Ace and then ....
I'd play to take 5 Diamond tricks, one Spade and a Spade ruff, and three Club tricks.
so exit with the
♣J (overtaking with the Queen). Worst case RHO wins and plays one back - win in dummy and hook the Diamond. And that loses too
(ugh, partner is going to be pissed if I go down ...). They exit in Hearts, I ruff, unblock the
♣A, cross to dummy in trumps and take the Spade finesse.
I guess that's about the same as playing
♦A and then exiting with the
♠Q except I might have problems with my 4th spade now.
rduran1216 writes"imps, team game First question, agree with 2S, or start with double?
Second question, Opening lead A of hearts K of hearts, you trump.
If you cash AK of diamonds LHO shows out on the second diamond. How do you proceed?
1. Double = 10, 2♠ = 8
2. (Starting ♦AK). Probably, a defensive error is a better hope than a singleton black king so ♣ to ♣T,
If ♣T wins, then ruff the third ♥ with ♦J, cash ♣A and exit in ♣.
If this fails, you can take ♠ finesse and you aren't much worse off