Can anyone tell me how to load a prepared deal (lin file) from my comp as prepared deals for a tournament
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Load deal into a tourney how to load a lin file from my computer
Posted 2011-January-10, 07:10
mathilde, on 2011-January-10, 02:57, said:
Can anyone tell me how to load a prepared deal (lin file) from my comp as prepared deals for a tournament
I wrote a guide on my blog.
When using your own lin file, you have to edit it using a text editor (notepad, wordpad, emacs, vi, etc) to remove extraneous material and leave something like the following (which is 12 boards) in a new file to be uploaded:
qx|o1|st||md|3SAT92H8743D73CAT8,S65HJ95DJT962CQ62,SJ4HAKQT6D85CJ943,SKQ873H2DAKQ4CK75|pg|| qx|o2|st||md|4SHJT54DJ52CQ75432,SKT8742H7DKT764CT,SQ5HK82DAQ9CKJ986,SAJ963HAQ963D83CA|pg|| qx|o3|st||md|1S7HAT985DK76CKJ98,SJ84HQ763DQ8CAT63,SKQT9632HDAT32C42,SA5HKJ42DJ954CQ75|pg|| qx|o4|st||md|2SJ986HKJTDT9CJT94,SAQ54H643D752CQ87,SK73HQ98DK6CA6532,ST2HA752DAQJ843CK|pg|| qx|o5|st||md|3S9753HJ5DJ9864CT4,SKQ84HA8764DQ72C7,SJ6HK2DAKT3CAKJ52,SAT2HQT93D5CQ9863|pg|| qx|o6|st||md|4SJ95H53D63CQ87532,SAKQ842H4DQT54CA6,S7HAJT82DK82CKJ94,ST63HKQ976DAJ97CT|pg|| qx|o7|st||md|1SJ432H8DJ9643CJT6,SK9HAKQJT4DACA987,SAQT875H976D2CQ54,S6H532DKQT875CK32|pg|| qx|o8|st||md|2SA2HAQ873D73CQJ75,SKJT9764HD5CKT864,SQ853HJ9DAQJT94C3,SHKT6542DK862CA92|pg|| qx|o9|st||md|3S94H87D87643C8532,S65HQJT4DK95CAKJT,SKT82HAK952DQ2C76,SAQJ73H63DAJTCQ94|pg|| qx|o10|st||md|4SQ4HQT874DJ743CK3,SAJ8HK65DK95CT974,ST976HA32DQ86CJ86,SK532HJ9DAT2CAQ52|pg|| qx|o11|st||md|1S8HKQTDQJ987C7642,SKQJT52H4DK4CKJ53,S43HJ9876DA532CAQ,SA976HA532DT6CT98|pg|| qx|o12|st||md|2S4HK6DAQT853CT865,SKQ32HT9732DJ4C32,S75HAQJ8DK92CQJ97,SAJT986H54D76CAK4|pg||
Posted 2011-January-25, 14:56
Set up a Tourney then when it says Tourney Number xxx is set up go back in and use Tournament Management In there find 'other functions' in the White box finf 'upload pre-set hands' Click on this then on Execute . now find your LIN file on your computer and click on it
hope this helps
Set up a Tourney then when it says Tourney Number xxx is set up go back in and use Tournament Management In there find 'other functions' in the White box finf 'upload pre-set hands' Click on this then on Execute . now find your LIN file on your computer and click on it
hope this helps
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