Posted 2013-June-23, 20:24
Things look bleak. Dummy had 15 hcp, you had 13 hcp, partner had the ♦J for at least one hcp. That way we can count 29 of the decks 40 points. That leaves only 11 hcp unaccounted for and declarer, who made a forcing 2♥ bid (if it was a negative free bid, we should have been told), should probably have most of these. Why? We have seen three jacks, and three queens. Surely the 2♥ bidder will not be missing a king or an ace. If he is missing the ♣J, with a doubleton club in dummy AND running spades, that will not help us. If partner has the ♥Q (as long as it is not a singleton), we will prevail.
So our Defense needs to be predicated on partner not having anymore HCP. If he has the ♥T8, however, we might be able to prevail. Lead a fourth round of trumps and give declarer a ruff-and-a-sluff. It will not help him. If he ruffs in his hand low, partner plays a heart to force the king, with hope of promoting our heart Jxx into a winner (declarer will be able to pick us up if he plays hearts right). IF he ruffs in his hand with the ACE or QUEEN, then our jack will become a winner. This play will work too if partner has the ♥T7 and declarer forgets to ruff with the ♥8, again, assuming declarer fails to finesse us later of the ♥J. This defense would be better if we had the ♥9.
There is one concern, of course, if partner has the ♥Qx, having him ruff might allow an unmakeable contract come home. But partner should realize what you are up too with the ruff and sluff defense and might not ruff.