Vampyr, on 2014-March-07, 03:11, said:
Sort of, but:
There is effectively a binding contract between the company and KS. In the odd cases where a firm has gone bust without producing what they said, in most cases the donors have got their money back, although it can take some time. KS also demanded for us, a gameplay trailer to show that something was in fact going on, this wasn't just hot air.
Our company is unusual in that there is no intention at the moment to go to outside investors, and profit is not the main motive, making enough to keep the game going and fund continued development is the main aim. It also works with an entirely volunteer staff although this will change closer to launch. There is also a tremendous amount of goodwill towards us because of how we came about.
Most people go into kickstarters with their eyes open. They know these are projects that are not suitable for mainstream funding, so people take a punt with money they can afford to lose. In a very high percentage of cases, they get exactly what was promised. When momentum gets behind a project, strange things can happen, some people decided to make an updated version of the old Elite space combat/trading game. They raised more than 2M on KS (having aimed at 500K) and then took the fundraising to their own site, where the total now is nearly 40M. Once our new website is created using some of the KS money, we will look to raise funds there too.