Sorry for no diagram my laptop is on the brink: anyway it's imps (not the it really matters) and the bidding has gone unapposed 1s 4s all pass
*this isn't the bidding we had, nor the defence, nor is it an accurate record of the hand but I think it's a good theme for NB
opening leader leads the King of hearts which you decide to duck and helpfully he continues with the Queen of hearts which you win with the ace. you play a small trump from dummy and insert the J which~Holds. Next you cross to the ace of clubs and lead another trump on which rho plays low, you insert the queen and lho discards. Next we draw the last trump. Clearly we've already lost a heart trick and have to lose a club trick so we can't lose 2 diamond tricks. Do we just play ace of diamonds and a diamond to the queen and hope for the best, or is there a potential layout that gives us a better chance?
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An Extra Chance?
Posted 2015-August-19, 11:14
I am a NB so not sure if I have worked this out right, but if I exhaust my hearts and clubs, pitching the opps in with my last club, then if they play a club or heart I can ruff and discard a losing diamond, and if either opponent wins the club and leads a diamond I think I make two diamond tricks (is it a frozen suit?) I have probably missed a trick!
Posted 2015-August-19, 15:58
There are still chances even if the wrong person wins the club and puts a diamond through!
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