... the 2nd generation, like this Wohl kid, grew up entirely inside the RW bubble. They don't know how to translate to normal people; they don't know what norms & standards are expected in the normal world. They are *Fox natives*, you might say. I think this helps explain ...
... why RW rhetoric & tactics have gotten so crude, stupid, & extreme. Kids like Charlie Kirk grew up in environs where crude, stupid, & extreme were endlessly rewarded. It's how they gained status. Then they wander, blinking, into the normal world & expect the same ***** to work.
What makes the whole thing even cringier is that, though they claim to disdain the MSM & pop culture, they are visibly & viscerally desperate for mainstream approval. (Just like Trump obsesses over the NYT.) It's like pop artists from the UK trying to crack the US market.
Kids like Kirk don't *want* to just be "big in Japan," ie, popular in the RW swamp. They want the approval of the elites they bash -- want it so badly you can see the flop sweat. But life in the bubble has left them woefully unequipped. Their lifelong tools no longer work.