Bidding over Michaels
Posted 2015-April-07, 03:25
Posted 2015-April-07, 03:40
Does GIB play the same methods? I don't know.
When you click on any call made by GIB is explains what it means.
Easy, but don't be too disappointed when GIB's hand doesn't match the description, this happens sometimes.
Finding your own mistakes is more productive than looking for partner's. It improves your game and is good for your soul. (Nige1)
Posted 2015-April-07, 03:49
I don't think there is any standard for which is which so you have to discuss it with partner. Here, it is more practical to use the cheaper cue (2♥) to show the 4th suit and the more expensive cue (2♠) to show support. This is because you need less bidding space when you have established a fit already.
Posted 2015-April-07, 03:54
How do you play 2♥ in your system dicklont?
ETA - Thks Helene, I didn't know that - makes sense.
Posted 2015-April-07, 03:59
1H-(3C) where 3C shows spades and diamonds. In that case, clearly 3D should show inv values with hearts as we can stop in 3H.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-April-07, 04:34
1. Lower for lower.
2. Lower for fourth suit.
3. Lower to show the raise.
I play number 3. The reason I prefer that method is that, in my experience, the good raise is way more frequent than the good hand with the fourth suit. This is particularly true opposite a major suit, of course, but it would be madness to change our approach depending on which suit is opened.
As an aside, I use 2NT here as showing both minors and limited, so here it would tend to show 5+ clubs and 3 diamonds (or possibly 45 if you open a diamond on three).
Posted 2015-April-07, 04:48
el mister, on 2015-April-07, 03:54, said:
How do you play 2♥ in your system dicklont?
ETA - Thks Helene, I didn't know that - makes sense.
I play it like Helene, the lower cuebid is gameforcing and shows the fourth suit (clubs in this case), the higher cuebid shows support and is limit or better.
Bidding the fourth suit (3♣) is 8-11, supporting partners suit is competitive.
The cuebidding does not appear often. My somewhat selfish memory-aid for it is: "me first, then you."

Finding your own mistakes is more productive than looking for partner's. It improves your game and is good for your soul. (Nige1)
Posted 2015-April-07, 10:28
Posted 2015-April-07, 13:16
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2015-April-07, 20:02
SteveMoe, on 2015-April-07, 13:16, said:
Yep, this is what we learned way back. Then u vs u, and the equivalent concept of u vs Mike, kinda grabbed us. We don't seem to lose altogether the possibility to play in 3NT....we just go through an initial double to get there --- and sometimes even penalize the other guys.
In other words we get more toys when they perpetrate Michaels, without losing anything.
Posted 2015-April-08, 09:28
Posted 2015-April-08, 14:26
el mister, on 2015-April-07, 03:54, said:
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-April-08, 16:31
Posted 2015-April-08, 18:05
el mister, on 2015-April-07, 03:54, said:
How do you play 2♥ in your system dicklont?
ETA - Thks Helene, I didn't know that - makes sense.
opener has shown d suit
2d bidder has shown h and s
It sounds like GIB plays a cue in spades as inv+ hand with club suit, the unbid suit.
It sounds like GIB plays a cue in hearts as limit raise or better in your suit, diamonds.
3d raise would be competitive, roughly 7-10
3c bid would be competitive with long clubs, roughly 7-10
Please note this pattern need NOT be the same for other cuebids or unusual vs unusual bidding,
Posted 2015-April-08, 21:35
PhilKing, on 2015-April-07, 04:34, said:
Playing against normal Michaels you have to change your approach depending on which suit is opened.
When you open a minor your opponent has the majors so there two phantom cue-bids; when you open a major your opponent has the other major and an unknown minor so there is only one phantom cue-bid. If you want a 2nd cue-bid when you open a major I suggest 2NT.
Posted 2015-April-08, 23:00
PhilKing, on 2015-April-07, 04:34, said:
1. Lower for lower.
2. Lower for fourth suit.
3. Lower to show the raise.
I play number 3. The reason I prefer that method is that, in my experience, the good raise is way more frequent than the good hand with the fourth suit. This is particularly true opposite a major suit, of course, but it would be madness to change our approach depending on which suit is opened.
As an aside, I use 2NT here as showing both minors and limited, so here it would tend to show 5+ clubs and 3 diamonds (or possibly 45 if you open a diamond on three).
There's also:
4. Lower for fourth suit, unless there is only one cue-bid below three of our suit.
Posted 2015-April-09, 07:00
PhilKing, on 2015-April-07, 04:34, said:
1. Lower for lower.
2. Lower for fourth suit.
3. Lower to show the raise.
I play number 3. The reason I prefer that method is that, in my experience, the good raise is way more frequent than the good hand with the fourth suit. This is particularly true opposite a major suit, of course, but it would be madness to change our approach depending on which suit is opened.
It is more frequent, but does it really need more space?
Consider 1H (2N): If responder has a good hand with spades, opener may want to show a preference for hearts with a min, or a good hand with no clear direction, or bid spades with a min. If the cuebid is 3♦, he has to go to the four-level with the "no clear direction hand". You are also muddling the slam tries. If responder has a good hand with hearts, the only gain for the additional space from bidding 3♣ is either starting your slam tries two steps lower, or having a re-invite available.
Posted 2015-April-09, 13:09
cherdano, on 2015-April-09, 07:00, said:
Consider 1H (2N): If responder has a good hand with spades, opener may want to show a preference for hearts with a min, or a good hand with no clear direction, or bid spades with a min. If the cuebid is 3♦, he has to go to the four-level with the "no clear direction hand". You are also muddling the slam tries. If responder has a good hand with hearts, the only gain for the additional space from bidding 3♣ is either starting your slam tries two steps lower, or having a re-invite available.
Posted 2015-April-09, 14:03
cherdano, on 2015-April-09, 07:00, said:
Well that's two advantages. How many do you need? Just kidding - I know you can't use step one for both ...

We are slightly off topic, but after 1H 2NT 3C, I would play 3D as specifically a game try, 3S as a artificial mild slam try, and 3NT+ as strong tries.
After, 1H 2NT 3D I can bid 3H/S/NT natural and 4C/D to show slam tries in spades. My main computer is back in hospital, but I will check it for relevant situations.