Posted 2015-November-05, 23:43
Although this is a definitely a cute hand, putting it in the Novice/Beginner forum is mean! I'd rate it at least advanced (and probably expert once you start considering all the end game options).
Given that West chose to lead the ♦T rather than a top heart, it's very unlikely that he holds the ♥AK. I'd put my money on the heart layout being precisely ♥AQxxx(x) opposite ♥K(x). Once you make that inference, you can work out that West needs both the ♠K and the ♣K to make up his opening bid so taking a spade finesse is destined to fail.
A better alternative is to win the opening lead in hand (retaining he ♦K as an entry for later) and lay down the ♠A. If the ♠K drops singleton, I'd draw trumps, take a club finesse and (hopefully) claim.
However, even if the ♠K isn't singleton, you still have legitimate chances. If LHO has ♠Kx and ♥AQxxxx, you can guess his shape in the minors, strip those minor cards and then exit with a trump. In the ending the opponents will be unable to untangle their 3 heart tricks without giving you a heart trick or a ruff and discard.
Perhaps an even better chance (especially against an inexperienced defender) is to cash out 3 rounds of both minors hoping to put East on lead with the doubleton ♠K if they hold a more common hand like [Kx AQxxx T9x Kxx]. On lead in the ending holding only ♥AQxxx, they need to exit with a small heart to their partner's ♥K in order to beat you, which is a tough play to find.