1.) I'm worried about Hearts, and from the descriptions I thought 3♥ would show that, but also PROMISING ♣ stopped. I had no problems lying about my partial stopper. Am I wrong in my thinking, or is the description of 3♥ wrong?
2.) To be honest, I wanted to play 3NT no matter what, but I thought it would play better in North. Do I not have a choice here, and just have to hand-hog?
3.) WHY is GIB raising to 4♥ on a 4-3 fit, when 5-2 fits are known to play better? Yes, GIB has shortness in Clubs, but I don't think we want to play that fit, unless 3♥ promises some oomph.
EDIT - I see they cut off the 3♥ bid by me - it said something about a partial stopper in Hearts. I thought it promised at best a partial stopper, but it could be that it was at least a partial stopper and denied a Clubs one. I agree with 1eyedjack that GIB should bid 3♠ rather than 4♥.