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Forums daylong discussion thread

#1 User is online   smerriman 

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Posted 2018-September-17, 00:10

Love a tournament where we can all play the same hands. Congrats to icycookie and derppp for two great scores by forum-challenge-eventers!

Would be good to see what people think the best result was on each board (as opposed to the highest scoring result).

My scores:

Board 1: I took immediate 1, 2, 3 route, resulting in having to defend 3. Returned a trump at trick 3 to try to cut down on ruffs for a measley 9.7%. Raising no trumps seems insane, and I couldn't see the merit in not looking for a 4-4 heart fit. The other alternative was passing the double and bidding 3 the next time, but if you were going to bid anyway, isn't immediately better?

Board 2: Knowing partner had 10-11 points I gambled with a takeout double hoping to find spades, leading to 5 and another poor result. 4 doesn't look right, and my clubs are poorly positioned anyway, so I guess passing was best.

Board 3: 4+1 for 51.5%, but I guess there was no harm in eliminating clubs and playing a heart on the hope West misdefends which seemed to work.

Board 4: Led a diamond and somehow got 68.9% for 4=. GIB has 10 top tricks.. so beating it is crazy.

Board 5: 4+2 for 49% - seems GIB goes crazy, throwing away a trick in diamonds for no reason to give away a 13th.

Board 6: Always a hard matchpoint decision.. I went 4, +1 for 54.6%. 3NT worked out here but seems a bit dangerous with Jxx?

Board 7: Not sure the best way to bid this. 1 - 2 - 2 - 3 seems normal - then a choice between 4 and 3. I went 4, passed 5, guessed the 6 was a singleton and thus finessed East for the queen for 75.8%.

Board 8: Not sure how to bid this either. I took the slow route of 2 then 3 and was punished with GIB's 4, -3 for 34.8%.

Board 9: 1NT or pass 1? I bid 1NT; throwing away all of the diamonds in dummy seemed to get GIB to miss out on a top diamond. 1NT= for 75.3%.

Board 10: 4= for 47.5%. I made the mistake of just taking the club finesse. Seems the top scorers again managed to find a way to put GIB to a decision that it should have gotten right but didn't.. or was there more to it?

Overall just 48.1%.. pretty average start.

#2 User is online   diana_eva 

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Posted 2018-September-17, 04:37

On #1 raising notrumps seemed obvious to me, not insane. I think robot would bid 1M if he had 4+ and also think his 1NT in this position is quite sound usually.

#3 User is offline   broze 

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Posted 2018-September-29, 15:12

I tried to join this tournament today (via the app) but I just get an error. :(
'In an infinite universe, the one thing sentient life cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion.' - Douglas Adams

#4 User is online   smerriman 

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Posted 2018-September-29, 18:16

 broze, on 2018-September-29, 15:12, said:

I tried to join this tournament today (via the app) but I just get an error. :(

It doesn't start for another 4 hours so that might be the problem :)

#5 User is offline   barmar 

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Posted 2018-October-01, 08:26

 smerriman, on 2018-September-29, 18:16, said:

It doesn't start for another 4 hours so that might be the problem :)

BBO's clock is set to US Central Time.

#6 User is online   diana_eva 

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Posted 2018-October-01, 08:59

Congrats hanoi :)

#7 User is offline   shyams 

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Posted 2018-October-01, 12:42

Board 2 from 30 Sep 18 contest:

Red vs White: 2nd seat: Dealer passes
AQ652 K76 KQJ 62

Question: Open 1 or 1NT?

#8 User is online   smerriman 

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Posted 2018-October-02, 00:33

Seems a pretty normal 1NT to me.

#9 User is offline   barmar 

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Posted 2018-October-02, 08:52

 shyams, on 2018-October-01, 12:42, said:

Board 2 from 30 Sep 18 contest:

Red vs White: 2nd seat: Dealer passes
AQ652 K76 KQJ 62

Question: Open 1 or 1NT?

It's a matter of style, but I almost always open 1NT when possible, regardless of a 5-card major. Opening 1 means you'll probably have to undervalue your hand with your next bid, unless partner has an invitational hand.

Will you sometimes end up in a poor NT contract when you should be in spades? Yes, that's the price you pay for more accurately describing your hand strength.

#10 User is offline   akwoo 

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Posted 2021-January-15, 21:31

I want to brag about a hand I played well on January 2. Board 8:

For its opening bid, West really does need to have all the remaining heart and spadehonors. If I duck a spade to rectify the count, win the next spade, and run all my minor suit tricks, I am left with a small spade and Ax in hand, and Qxx on board. If West robot keeps two hearts, a spade endplays it; if it doesn't keep two hearts, the A drops the K. Strip squeeze for the overtrick.

As it turns out, 3N+4 was not a top. If you take the spade right away, the strip squeeze still works perfectly well. However, what happens is that West robot sees the endplay coming and tries to let its partner East win a spade trick. When you run all the minor suit tricks, West discards one high spade (along with a heart) on the diamonds, and when you lead the 5, West ducks in the hope that partner can win this with the 6, cash a club, and lead a heart through. Those who did this got 3N+5.

#11 User is offline   nige1 

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Posted 2021-January-16, 11:32

 akwoo, on 2021-January-15, 21:31, said:

. Those who did this got 3N +5.
A worthy top :)

#12 User is offline   squeezergb 

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Posted 2021-February-01, 18:36

How come the Board 10 I played in the BBO Forums Daylong on Sunday 1st is identical to the Board 6 I played in the Diana and Friends Daylong on Monday 2nd? Is this intentional?

#13 User is online   diana_eva 

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Posted 2021-February-02, 03:30

Yes it was intentional. Diana & Friends is a daylong with prepared deals. I'm checking how uploading cooked deals to a daylong works.

The part that was not intentional was also uploading the list of BBO Forum members to it :) Meant to keep it as a small betatesting group, not my closest 8,000 friends, but I accidentally mixed up the Jlall BBF Indy list with this one.

Anyway, enjoy, and the deals are all taken from other games, which was intentional.

#14 User is offline   crazy4hoop 

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Posted 2021-February-08, 08:03

I see that there is another one today also with 8000+ people. Should we play it or did you intend it to be for a smaller group?

#15 User is online   diana_eva 

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Posted 2021-February-10, 17:42

I've decided to leave it with the 8K group, but even if it were restricted to just friends you'd be in it ;)

So yes jump in and have fun and if you see crazy stuff like defending 4 spades with 8 of them it means I screwed up the boards :P

#16 User is offline   mison627 

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Posted 2023-August-20, 03:31

What a pleasant surprise to see the Sunday daylong Forum tourney!!! thanks

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