Hello, I am helping my grandma who doesnt speak English. She used to sit at the table with 3 other players (of course) and in the chat window she could always follow the conversation, but she could also respond as she says by simply clicking and writing. That is not possible anymore. I cannot really try that with her, as she does not want to block a table.
WE found out that when double clicking on each players name, she can write to her/him. This conversation shows in the chat window down at the page. What we do not know is if only the chosen players can see this message or everybody at the table. And how can she address all three other players? Is it in the settings, or does she need to pay some fee? Thank you very much, I hope you can help her.
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BBO chat Do I chat?
Posted 2019-February-19, 09:51
You can tell who can see the message. It will say
on the left if it was sent privately to a specific player. It will say
if it was sent to everyone at the table.
To the left of the chat line there's a popup menu where you can choose who to send the message to. Select "Table" to send to everyone at the table.
on the left if it was sent privately to a specific player. It will say
if it was sent to everyone at the table.
To the left of the chat line there's a popup menu where you can choose who to send the message to. Select "Table" to send to everyone at the table.
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