This hand from Wuhan resulted in a 12 IMP swing to Italy over Argentina a few days ago.
It is interesting that LoTT and HCP suggest that 3♠ should be safe, whereas deprecated LTC does not
Lauria Versace bid aggressively (vulnerable at IMPs) to 4♠ and somehow made it. In the other room, the opponents stopped in 3♠ and yet Madala (in North) and Duboin still set them by one. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be vugraph of the games, but it is instructive to consider how the defence should take 5 tricks.
What would be your sequence of play here and with what reasoning, in particular what does every card played by North or South say to the other player? Signal conventions vary widely and are notoriously hard for intermediates to grasp, so please spell out the meanings without assuming prior knownledge.