Big money is on the line. $0.29. There's a Novice competing who has a rank of 22. I'm suspicious.
The bidding winds it way up - I've learned control bidding from the robots.
I'm still a bit concerned when I get placed in 7♥ and find myself with two potential losers.
I'm playing as North, here are the two hands after East leads ♦Q.
Most of the others were in 6H+1 - You'll see why when you look at the full hand. But there is a way to make it safely.
Here's my movie
Naturally - it is not the best contract - but I was pretty happy having stuffed up a nice 6NT a few minutes earlier.
Here's the 'Novice's' movie.
There's no sure-trick solution but a plausible line of play is ♦A, ♥K, ♠A, ruff a ♠, ♥A, ruff a ♠, ♣A, ♥J. Now, if ♣Q hasn't appeared, then finesse ♣J, cash ♣K and ruff a ♣.
Aside: If you reply to this comment and peruse the hv tag, you will see an economical way of quoting a deal from myhands.