PEN or T/O 2/1
Posted 2020-September-01, 15:48
The given hand has nothing special so I’d quickly pass. Good partners tend to balance 😉 ! But here N, who reluctantly passed the 1st time, will do the same with the feeling of not giving justice to his hand. Again, it shows that slightly overbidding the 1st occasion is more easily recoverable that underbidding.
Posted 2020-September-01, 18:02
I also don't think North is worth 1S in response to an overcall. Game is unlikely to be in the picture and hearts looks like an okay spot. Responding to an overcall should be more constructive than responding to an opening bid.
Posted 2020-September-02, 04:16
sfi, on 2020-September-01, 18:02, said:
But if he's 4-2 you play probably in the wrong suit as if you're going to score a ruff, it will be in clubs so you won't have a late entry to the hearts
Depends if you overcall on tram tickets. We don't so it's a clear 1♠, Kxxx, AKxxx, Ax, xx makes game plausible, and it can be a lot better than this, but not a clear x if opener rebids 3♦. Also if you do pass first time playing sound overcalls, partner knows you can't be this good, so doesn't have to double.
Posted 2020-September-02, 05:40
sfi, on 2020-September-01, 18:02, said:
I also don't think North is worth 1S in response to an overcall. Game is unlikely to be in the picture and hearts looks like an okay spot. Responding to an overcall should be more constructive than responding to an opening bid.
Seems clear to bid 1♠ over 1♥. When partner bid 1♥ vulnerable vs not after you first have passed, he needs to have a decent hand.
Also since north are a passed hand, it is clear to respond since south knows north passed initially.
Given the above, the south hand do not have enough offense to make a take out double.
When south make the double of 2♣ it is not an option to bid pass or 2♥ as was one of the options in the poll.
The choice is between 2♠ and 3♠. I would choose 3 ♠.
Posted 2020-September-02, 06:36
This board occurred in Harry Smith's long-running Monday Scottish Lockdown Teams, 2 days ago. FWIW, I overcall light, for the lead, even vulnerable, and even opposite a passed partner.
In our room, Partner thought my double of 2♣ was penalty. so she passed. We defeated 2♣X by 1 trick. In the other room, after the same start, the overcaller passed 2♣ and also took it 1-off.
So we earned a small profit of 2 imps

I intended my double to be T/O. Hence the poll.
Posted 2020-September-02, 07:25
Cyberyeti, on 2020-September-02, 04:16, said:
If partner is 4-2, they will choose hearts much of the time. They should only choose spades if happy to play in the Moysian. On this hand I'm not too worried about it since I'll be ruffing clubs. If the play really does go like you're picturing in 2S, by the time I want to run hearts declarer will be out of losers to pitch on them.
Posted 2020-September-02, 09:19
Posted 2020-September-02, 09:43
sfi, on 2020-September-02, 07:25, said:
This is where we differ, double shows either 4 spades or a huge hand for me and I have neither, so partner automatically bids 2♠ with 4-2, also 1♥ technically only promised 4.
OP got lucky, give partner ♠KQJ instead of AQ9 and 2♣x and 2♠ both make.
Posted 2020-September-02, 16:24
Cyberyeti, on 2020-September-02, 09:43, said:
You're right about the style question. I think your approach leads to not competing enough, but all I have is anecdotal evidence to back it up.
However, even if 1H only shows 4 (here we agree), once you double on the second round you have to have at least 5. Otherwise you would have simply doubled the first time.
Posted 2020-September-02, 16:31
sfi, on 2020-September-02, 16:24, said:
However, even if 1H only shows 4 (here we agree), once you double on the second round you have to have at least 5. Otherwise you would have simply doubled the first time.
Depends what you would do with J10xx, AKQx, Axxx, x, I'd probably overcall 1♥ then x if playing more standard overcalls, I might pass second time playing my style.
You are playing simple 2/1 but this double is undiscussed.
Would you interpret it as
Takeout?, or
Would you double in this context?
What should advancer do?