Playing 2/1, MP Pairs your partner opens 1♠. With ♠KT9, ♥K632, ♦J84, ♣KT9, you respond 1NT. Partner rebids 2NT showing 18-19 balanced. What is YOUR rebid - 4♠ or 3NT?
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Choice of contracts
Posted 2021-April-29, 15:18
relpar, on 2021-April-29, 13:39, said:
Playing 2/1, MP Pairs your partner opens 1♠. With ♠KT9, ♥K632, ♦J84, ♣KT9, you respond 1NT. Partner rebids 2NT showing 18-19 balanced. What is YOUR rebid - 4♠ or 3NT?
From your recent Bidding decision thread:
relpar, on 2021-April-10, 07:45, said:
Playing 2/1 North makes an opening bid of 1♠. South, holding ♠KJ9, ♥K632,♦ J84, ♣ KT9, responds with a forcing 1NT. North now rebids 2NT, showing a balanced 18-19 points. What rebid should South make? 4♠? 3NT?

Posted 2021-April-29, 15:25
Posted 2021-April-30, 20:39
johnu, on 2021-April-29, 15:25, said:
Nothing wrong with going with the best 2 out of 3 polls. Personally, I like best 4 out of 7 polls, so this problem may be appearing 2 more times.
I f that is what you would really like please go ahead and post it so that I can reply. I shall try not to be sarcastic,
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Agree. 3N to protect the kings.