mikeh, on 2022-March-17, 08:20, said:
Personally, strong jumpshifts seem to me to:
a) come up infrequently
b) preempt our constructive auctions on precisely those hands on which we most often need bidding space
With your AJxx x AQJ10x xxx my view is that splintering is bizarre and would reflect a very weak understanding of bidding concepts.
Bidding 3D seems, I say with respect, almost as bad.
While I would never use J2N with that hand, I can at least understand those who would. At least that gets across two of the four critical elements of the hand: a big fit and some slam interest.
Me: I’d force to game via 2D and then raise spades. Since for me 1S 2D 2S doesn’t show extra length (hence is a fairly common rebid) I may get to bid 4H next…showing (drumroll, please) 5+ diamonds, good spades,short hearts and slam interest.
And if partner makes the second commonest rebid, 2N, again I can bid 4H.
Funny how those sequences seem to describe my hand
2/1 has become the dominant bidding philosophy in the expert game (most big club methods, which are very popular with NA pairs, use 2/1 principles…I’m discussing this aspect, not the family of standard based methods grouped as 2/1) for a very good reason: conservation of bidding space.
Strong jumpshifts violate that principle. Of course, one can argue that tightly defining jumpshifts clarifies other strength showing sequences, since partner can exclude the jumpshift hand types when not used. Fwiw my view is that one ought very carefully to weigh the other uses to which the SJS bid can be put, so as to weigh the net costs and benefits.
For example, using 1S 3H as an unspecified singleton (or void heart) is a net, if often modest, winner when opener signs off, and loses very little, if any, compared to normal splinters when opener is interested. Plus it allows 1M 4m to show a void….while such hands are rare, there is a very big difference, in terms of slam potential, between a void and a stiff
In the other of my two partnerships, we use 1S 3D as invitational in hearts or a strong jumpshift in hearts, with 1S 3H showing a 4 card limit raise in spades. While I prefer the splinter usage, this other approach has worked well when it arises.
2♦ not GF for us. It sounds like your sequences never conclusively show the 4th spade. 2N in our sequences as a rebid may be a very different animal to what I suspect it is in yours and not necessarily most common. I'd put odds on 2♥ being most common, now your stiff heart may be awkward to show.
3♦ is actually pretty precise, enough to GF, 4 spades to a top honour and 5+ good diamonds (or the old fashioned rock crushing single suited GF).
I agree you should weigh the uses of the other bids, presumably you play 3m as raises of 1M, playing 4 card majors as I do this is much less popular.