I guess you're learning that there's no such thing as a simple question.
I agree that 2
♠ is a responder's reverse (I guess I don't have to agree - it is that by definition

) but it doesn't necessarily promise 4 cards. This is a good summary -
https://www.betterbr...ndard200905.pdf Auctions can get a little awkward when the opener rebids their suit, at least for me. 2
♠ is a way to create a GF and explore for the best contract.
It seems that we have some different opinions on what a 2
♦ bid would mean. When exploring for NT, my partner and I had this agreement about asking/showing stoppers: If there is only one unbid suit, then bidding that suit is asking partner if they have the suit stopped. If there are two unbid suits, then bidding a new suit is telling partner that we have the suit stopped. So, for me, 2
♦ by South would be showing a stopper.
I kind of agree with Mike777 that this hand is borderline for creating a GF, but I would be fine if my partner did so. After 2
♠, with a 3-1-3-6 hand, I would bid 2NT if I had a diamond stopper though I don't love bidding notrump with a singleton. It's also not ideal on this particular hand because South has only a partial stopper in spades. Just my two cents.