The Misadventures of Rex and Jay Return Still Crazy AfterAll These Years
Posted 2025-January-04, 12:11
Posted 2025-January-04, 13:01
4H we may make this. Where are the clubs?
Pass, if the opponents bid on I’m going to whack em.
4H automatic
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-January-04, 13:44
1) 4♥
2) Pass (for now)
3) 4♥
4) 3♠
Posted 2025-January-04, 14:42
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-January-04, 16:06
pescetom, on 2025-January-04, 15:49, said:
Would this be good news? If partner has the ♣K, we probably need them to have ♥AK which could then have been a 2♥ overcall..
Hand #3 almost looks like more potential for slam if we can find partner with a spade singleton, but perhaps that's unlikely with RHO passing, I'm not sure.
Posted 2025-January-04, 16:11
smerriman, on 2025-January-04, 16:06, said:
Bridge players are pattern matching machines.
I was running to a tournament, but more excited by the minors of #4.
Will have another look.
Posted 2025-January-04, 16:26
smerriman, on 2025-January-04, 16:06, said:
If we are on exactly the same wavelength that AKxxxxx is a 2♥ overcall then it might be superfluous, agreed...
if not it is unlikely to cost and might pay off.
Posted 2025-January-04, 17:03
mike777, on 2025-January-04, 16:33, said:
Given we are probably in a no play 3h contract, might as well sound confident on our way to 4H.
Happy not to know anyone who would bid 3H with a hand that is unlikely to make 4H opposite mine.
Less happy with my current choice of partners (until the real one finishes studying medicine) but I trust them to have enough for game and perhaps some chance of slam.
Posted 2025-January-04, 18:00
pescetom, on 2025-January-04, 17:03, said:
Less happy with my current choice of partners (until the real one finishes studying medicine) but I trust them to have enough for game and perhaps some chance of slam.
Again they have very light box on cc for some reason, as you say trust your partner and what you put on your cc, I agree.
You are looking for slam...I just hope we are not doubled in 4h, smile
I would only add what if they had bid 4h over 1s at this vul, smile
Posted 2025-January-05, 11:42
mike777, on 2025-January-04, 18:00, said:
You are looking for slam...I just hope we are not doubled in 4h, smile
I am surprised we have such different evaluation of the same hand

I would actually be more worried about missing slam if (as is probable) she cannot act over 3♠ than about bidding beyond game if she can.
Unfortunately BBO disabled the tricks function in Dealer and it's no longer easy for me to simulate, but my gut feeling is that we have some chances of slam even opposite say:
♠xxx ♥AKTxxxx ♦x(x) ♣x(x)
which is a light but not very light 3♥ in my eyes (and would lead to us stopping in game).
mike777, on 2025-January-04, 18:00, said:
Would pass and be less worried. It covers a wide range of hands, very few with AK.
Posted 2025-January-06, 00:08
mw64ahw, on 2025-January-04, 06:15, said:
mw64ahw, on 2025-January-02, 17:06, said:
I'm pretty sure you are close to being the only one who would be happy making a 2♥ overcall. Making a 2 level overcall with a hand most would preempt with is going to mislead partner.
Posted 2025-January-06, 01:19
johnu, on 2025-January-06, 00:08, said:
Judging by responses I'm alone in bidding 2♥
We play The Overcall Structure so partner will expect at least a 5-card suit and 8.5 mod. losers or 5 playing tricks at equal vulnerability. The approach can sometimes cause the ops. to misplace the high-card points and finesse the wrong way. The other benefit is that partner with an opening hand can respond in a way similar to a Weak 2 with new suits being NF.
The modification we have made is to repurpose the 2N bid to show some preempt and put the 2N very strong 2-suiter into The Power Double followed by a cue-bid; these are rare hands, but can gain bidding space.
Posted 2025-January-06, 07:27
First a confession: because everyone knew what my hand looked like for the 3♥bid, I was trying to obfuscate what actually happened at the table
to get a more unbiased set of responses.
So I just randomly made up three of the four hands to try to throw all of you off the scent. Here's what actually happened at the table:
LHO passed my 3♥, and Rex bid 4♥ with x's hand 2, which was xxx void Axxxx AKQxx. RHO doubled, and I was fortunate to go down only one as they misdefended.
Rex's logic is that I promise six tricks for my preempt and he has 4, so that it was the right call.
Posted 2025-January-06, 07:34
First a confession: because everyone knew what my hand looked like for the 3♥bid, I was trying to obfuscate what actually happened at the table
to get a more unbiased set of responses.
So I just randomly made up three of the four hands to try to throw all of you off the scent. Here's what actually happened at the table:
LHO passed my 3♥, and Rex bid 4♥ with x's hand 2, which was xxx void Axxxx AKQxx. RHO doubled, and I was fortunate to go down only one as they misdefended.
Rex's logic is that I promise six tricks for my preempt and he has 4, so that it was the right call. I understand that my call was aggressive , but I also think the rule of 2 and 3 went out of style in the 80's. I haven't had 6 tricks for a vulnerable weak two bid in years.
Posted 2025-January-06, 08:16
b) The trendy style seems to be to randomly preempt on very little. I will do it on nothing FV, but then it's really a psyche.
c) I would expect 6 tricks at EV assuming the remaining ♥ are distributed evenly. While partner may have 4 tricks his void downgrades overcallers trick taking ability.
d) You have a Weak 2 opening, but not a preempt in classical style
e) Even bidding 2♥ I doubt I would have invited with 13hcp over a Weak 2 with zero trump support. Possibly 2♠ as minors.