5 card stayman? where did this come from!
Posted Yesterday, 19:42
1NT pass 2♣? The openers responses are: 2♥/2♠ = minimum hand (12/14/15) with a 5-card
suit. 3♥/3♠ = maximum hand (14/16/17) with a 5-card suit.
To deny a 5-card major, the opener responds: 2♦ = minimum hand with no 5-card suit. 2NT =
maximum hand no 5-card suit.
With enough for game interest, to find a 4-4 major suit fit, responder just repeats the inquiry by
bidding 3♣.
Note that responder may also bid 3♥/3♠ which is Smolen showing four cards in the bid major
suit and five cards in the other suit, then alert. Smolen does not interfere with the 5-card Major
Stayman bids.
After the three club responder bid, opener can show a 4-card major by bidding 3♥, the
cheapest major suit, identical to the 2♣ non-forcing Stayman bid.
Without game interest and hearing openers two diamond minimum response, responder does
not bid three clubs, but 2♥ = four hearts, 2♠ = four spades, or 2NT= no 4-card major.
Posted Yesterday, 19:59
or stay in NT
Everyone also knows for me KISS rules
Posted Yesterday, 20:00
If you follow the breadcrumbs, you'll find a good description from Kit Woolsey.
Thanks for posting - I've been bored today.
Posted Yesterday, 20:03
Why such a narrow range?
Off shape 1NT openings allowed also?
Posted Yesterday, 20:12
I have no knowledge or experience with this, it looks like 12-17nt
Posted Yesterday, 20:30
12-17 wouldn't make much sense for a NT range IMO and wouldn't even be legal under ACBL rules, which limit the range to 5 HCP.
Posted Yesterday, 20:45
I have never seen this before but from the link you posted, players have been talking about it since 2014.
It has been suggested I play it this weekend in a sectional - NO!
Posted Today, 04:31
Over 1NT, I play Justin Lall's response structure which I believe has become quite popular in American circles:
1NT - 2♠ = range ask without a major or a weak/strong hand with 6+ clubs (2NT shows minimum, 3♣ is maximum)
1NT - 2NT = 5-card Stayman (3♣ is no major and now 3M shows 4-cards in the other major, 3M=five-card major)
1NT - 3♣ = 6+ diamonds, weak or strong
You can use the 2NT response whenever you have a game forcing hand with one four-card major that you would normally use Stayman for: the advantage is that the opener never shows their major holding. The disadvantage of this method is that you lose invitational responses with a six-card minor: you can certainly live without these playing a strong no trump.
The disadvantage of using 2♣ as 5-card Stayman, as shown previously in this thread, is that you must have at least invitational values to use it. You cannot use it on a 3-4-5-1 hand with 3HCP because you will often get too high. This is too much of a sacrifice for me.
Posted Today, 04:41
mike777, on 2025-January-21, 20:03, said:
Why such a narrow range?
Off shape 1NT openings allowed also?
I have played 10-15 1/2 14-19 3/4 in serious competition (The EBU outlawed artificial responses if your 1N range was >6) but you need serious artificiality to deal with that
Posted Today, 06:50
Cyberyeti, on 2025-January-22, 04:41, said:
We used to play 14+ to 18-, basically a 3-point range (15-17) with room for upgrades and downgrades. One reason we like notrump bids is that they describe our hand so precisely so I think, in general, narrower ranges are good. After 1NT, our ranges were all 2-point ranges, 18-19, 20-21, etc. (again, allowing for upgrades and downgrades).
Posted Today, 07:38
jdiana, on 2025-January-22, 06:50, said:
We found that the wide range caused massive issues for the defence. dummy decks a 9 count opposite 10-15 and the defence may not know if they're trying to beat this or prevent the second overtrick. The upsides when you don't open 1N are enormous. We eventually adjusted it to 11-16 so we had a 17-19 1N rebid.
Posted Today, 15:55
Last year I was attempting to not comment on 1NT systems. That year has gone and passed, and over the Christmas holidays I started writing a long, very long piece on balanced hand bidding. After the recent heated discussions here I've abandoned that - why lose many good hours if it's just going to lead to another fight - but I did have a lot of research saved that was intended to go into that piece. A brief response to some comments upthread:
jdiana, on 2025-January-21, 20:00, said:
jillybean, on 2025-January-21, 20:12, said:
paulg, on 2025-January-22, 04:31, said:
You can use the 2NT response whenever you have a game forcing hand with one four-card major that you would normally use Stayman for: the advantage is that the opener never shows their major holding. The disadvantage of this method is that you lose invitational responses with a six-card minor: you can certainly live without these playing a strong no trump.
paulg, on 2025-January-22, 04:31, said: