I think I blame it on pairs
I thought that was what you said earlier. 1 club etc. bid your hand you said Mike. I agrred with you or was relieved I had picked your approach

1 club then etc
I was using dealer with a wide range of possible hands - and a wonderful range of possible contracts from minor major games, part scores, occasional slams, and often a NT game or part score too
Flip the majors and same with heart games and part scores.
I did not check which were the best contract though and how they score in the rough and tumble of duplicate
Do I need to list out the very simple and obvious bidding sequences in 2/1 with a wide range of hands
1C-3C pass
1C-1H-1S etc
1C-2C etc
1C-1NT etc
1C-2NT etc
1C-1S-3S-4S etc
Lots of other equally simple options - sometimes part scores, sometimes games, sometimes even a slam