How is the Just Declare contract bid? There was a hand where I was given a totally ridiculous contract!
Posted 2025-March-24, 12:55
Posted 2025-March-24, 13:05
Posted 2025-March-24, 14:10
Posted 2025-March-24, 14:16
Posted 2025-March-24, 16:17
Posted 2025-March-24, 16:53
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-March-24, 12:55, said:
One of the skills that people need to be able to develop in bridge is the ability to shrug off a bad hand
Hamman wrote about this quite a lot
Posted 2025-March-24, 17:14
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-March-24, 16:17, said:
But if it were a 50/50 guess, you would score 25% by guessing wrongly, not 0%, since you'd expect half of the other tables to also guess wrongly. So again, probably more to it.
But regardless, I agree with the general sentiment that in these tournaments, some hands are more frustrating than others, though it has nothing to do with the quality of GIB's bidding. A hand where it bids correctly to 7NT with 13 top tricks, or 3NT with 9 top tricks and absolutely zero chance of anything else, is just as frustrating, since you can't score more than 50%. But trying to eliminate hands with no "decisions" to make is an extremely difficult problem.
Posted 2025-March-25, 00:31
there i am testing a way to make the hands more interesting to play by removing hands that are too easy. the remaining hands should still look random, and ideally you don't notice anything.
the easy hands removed there are used in the "easy bridge daylong"
Posted 2025-March-25, 04:11
My final result was 6.8% on this board. As you can see, the opponents had obvious 6 ♠ tricks and 7 ♦ tricks, so the contract was hopeless. Our 2♣ contract would make here.
Posted 2025-March-25, 04:24
Posted 2025-March-25, 07:21
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-March-25, 04:11, said:
My final result was 6.8% on this board. As you can see, the opponents had obvious 6 ♠ tricks and 7 ♦ tricks, so the contract was hopeless. Our 2♣ contract would make here.
The discard of the Club Ace at trick 12 was absurd.
The situation required zero efforts of counting or such. The ♥Q is staring at you from across the table.
So, unless you forgot that you discarded the ♥K from South's hand moments ago --- which can be "un-forgotten" by viewing the last quitted trick before playing to trick 12 --- the ♣A play deserves the 6.8% score.