luis, on Jul 5 2004, 02:41 PM, said:
I'm very happy with what we play over our very similar 1♦ opening bid:
1♥: Natural or any GF hand
1♠: Natural 4+
1N: 6-10
2♣: 10-12 with 5+ clubs or balanced 13HCP
2♦: 10-12 with 5+ diamonds
2♥/2♠: Weakish 5-8 with 6+ cards in the suit.
2N: 11-12 Bal
After 1♦-1♥ (Natural or any GF hand)
1♠: 4♠, denies 4♥
1N: denies 4h/4s balanced hand
2♣: 9+ cards in the minors
2♦: Minimum 6+ diamonds
2♥: 4 card support, usually minimum
2♠: Three suiter, minimum, 4 card heart support
2N: Maximum with exactly 6 diamonds
3♣: Maximum 5-5 or better in the minors
3♦: 7+ diamonds and Maximum
3♥: Maximum, 4♥ and 5+♦
3♠: Spade splinter, maximum, 4♥
3N: Club splinter, maximum, 4♥
We continue with relays but natural bidding can be effective as well. After 1d-1h;1N we use 2c checkback, 2d transfer to 2h and 2h gf relay with 2s and 2n showing 6 clubs and diamonds with 4h respectively.
After 1d-1s opener rebids are very similar.
If you are interested in continuations or have questions just let me know.
I had started the original system with my friends choosing a similar scheme.
1H = natural or balanced gf
1S/NT natural
2C/2D = invitational+ 5 carder
2H/2S = strong JS
2NT = natural invitational
3C = invitational one suiter c
3D = preemptive raise
3H/S= splinter
I had borrowed the 1H gf principle from Viking Club, but did not want to use relays with friends, we are not ready for it.
We play XYZ and XYNT convention: after 1D:1y:1z/NT responer has a choice
-2C = forces relay to diamonds which can be passed; if opener rebids he has an invitational hand
-2D = "normal gf hand"
-suit rebids or preferences = weak hand
-jump shifts/jump raises /jump rebids are picture jumps in strongly slam oriented hands
-jump to 3C is only weak jump bid (only possible Clubs signoff).
In order to ease the life of responder opposite a 2C rebid (e.g. 1D:1M:2C), opener raises the major either with 4 cards or with 3 cards and a singleton if he has the 45/55/54 minors type hand.
A problem is the 1D:1H:2H sequence (does responder have H or not ?)
- 2S = GF relay without H responder bids 2NT with a bal hand and 4 H, 3m with 5 cards in that m and 4 in the other and 3 cards support, 3H with 4 cd support and a singleton, 3S 4 cd support no singleton, 3NT = 4333.
- 2NT natural invitational with 4 hearts
- 3C = gf relay WITH hearts, 3D = 3 card raise and 9+ cards in minors, 3H = 4 cd support and singleton, 3S = 4 cd support no singleton, 3NT = 4333
- 3D = gf hand with 4H, opener bids 3H wth 4 cd support. (not sure this is efficient)
- 3h = generic game try with 5 hearts
- 3S = gf, natural 54
However, this all is acadmic bcause we have eliminated the 1H relay.
It was not clear for which hand to use it: probably best used for balanced hands, but in any case the risk of forgetting was too high.
We still keep the 3-card raise though with minors-oriented 1D opener.
It helps the weak responder to avoid those situations where he is 4-5-2-2 (2-2 in minors) and opener rebids 2C and he does not know which minor is longer or to rebid his major: often u end in a 4-2 or 5-0 fit.
I prefer risking a 4-3 fit with a side singleton
Anyway this was the reason why i was considering to choose to guarantee a 5 card clubs suit by the 2 clubds rebid.
"Bridge is like dance: technique's important but what really matters is not to step on partner's feet !"