Why the pretense?
Do you think that anyone believes that bold facing a statement is remotely equivalent to understanding what's being discussed?
Al_U_Card, on 2011-September-16, 08:34, said:

(Keep an eye on Australia, they will become the test case when they adopt their carbon "price".)
From the AR4, precipitation model ensemble page: (my bolding)
Despite the many improvements, numerous issues remain. Many of the important processes that determine a model’s response to changes in radiative forcing are not resolved by the model’s grid. Instead, sub-grid scale parametrizations are used to parametrize the unresolved processes, such as cloud formation and the mixing due to oceanic eddies. It continues to be the case that multi-model ensemble simulations generally provide more robust information than runs of any single model. Table 8.1 summarises the formulations of each of the AOGCMs used in this report.
There is currently no consensus on the optimal way to divide computer resources among finer numerical grids, which allow for better simulations; greater numbers of ensemble members, which allow for better statistical estimates of uncertainty; and inclusion of a more complete set of processes (e.g., carbon feedbacks, atmospheric chemistry interactions).
Projections for 2070-2099