BBF Christmas Swiss (Dec. 18/19) Polling Round 2
Posted 2010-November-21, 04:01
Unfortunately the poll was not so clear about the length of rounds people prefer. It seems that 12 boards is a suitable compromise. I expect 3 rounds of 12 boards to be doable in 4-5 hours, but if someone with more experience would like to contribute an opinion, do let me know.
I will start accepting registrations immediately. Teams of 4-6, team total post count at least 500, at least 3 team members with post count >=25. Please specify a team captain who will be responsible for communicating with me and making the line-ups. The team captain should ideally not have a Hotmail address, as they eat (or burn?) my emails. Please register either in this thread or via email to mgoetze at mgoetze dot net.
The event will be canceled if I receive less than 4 registrations by Sunday, December 12th. The system will be switched to round-robin if there are less than 7 registrations.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-22, 06:39
Posted 2010-November-22, 07:36
jukmoi, on 2010-November-22, 06:39, said:
Well if that is the reason I will disregard your vote on all issues... the goal of this poll is to make the event as attractive as possible for potential players.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-22, 14:51

Posted 2010-November-22, 14:54
TimG, on 2010-November-22, 14:51, said:

IMO it should be similar to the WBF regulations:
Posted 2010-November-22, 15:04
TimG, on 2010-November-22, 14:51, said:

Haha... OK, no HUMs, Max. 4 BSCs per Team, BSCs must be registered on the forums by the end of Saturday, December 11th. Sound fair?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-22, 15:13
mgoetze, on 2010-November-22, 15:04, said:
Well I know what a HUM is but BSC threw for a loop. Probably not a problem but need to know what it is to comply.
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-November-22, 15:25
pooltuna, on 2010-November-22, 15:13, said:
Any opening which is neither strong nor shows an anchor suit, with the explicit exception of Multi 2♦. Common examples are Wilkosz 2♦, Multi 2♥, 2NT preempt in either minor, etc.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-22, 15:58
TimG, on 2010-November-22, 15:55, said:
If your 1♦ opening always shows hearts, it has an anchor suit, so it's fine. If it only shows hearts some of the time, it's probably a BSC.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-22, 16:50
mgoetze, on 2010-November-22, 15:58, said:
BSC = 2.4 Brown Sticker Conventions and Treatments
Posted 2010-November-23, 04:13
But someone tell me this one thing that keeps bothering me. I know multi including strong option is not brown sticker. But how about multi with just weak options? I think there are some national regulations about this one but what are the rules we use?
Edit: Whee, my post number 200

This post has been edited by Flameous: 2010-November-23, 04:17
Posted 2010-November-23, 05:07
Flameous, on 2010-November-23, 04:13, said:
The WBF Systems Policy says:
"A two level opening bid in a minor showing a weak two in either major, whether with or without the option of strong hand types, ..." is not a Brown Sticker Convention as there is an explicit exception (for historical reasons).
Posted 2010-November-23, 08:09
Flameous, on 2010-November-23, 04:13, said:
as others have said, a BSC is non-strong opening at the 2 level lacking an anchor suit in the non-strong hands, aside from a multi 2C or 2D. to qualify as a non-BSC multi 2C/D they must have a spade or heart suit when weak. so a "multi 2C" which shows diamonds, hearts or spades is still a brown sticker for example.
some countries have more permissive regulations, e.g England, and I'm sure Australia. On the other hand you've got the ACBL......
Posted 2010-November-23, 10:17

I'm planning to let this poll run until Friday or Saturday before announcing the final conditions, I hope that's OK for everyone. Also, I'm planning on no barometer, does anyone feel strongly that there should be a barometer?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-23, 10:30
mgoetze, on 2010-November-23, 10:17, said:

I'm planning to let this poll run until Friday or Saturday before announcing the final conditions, I hope that's OK for everyone. Also, I'm planning on no barometer, does anyone feel strongly that there should be a barometer?
I agree strongly with no barometer, and also if you need, you can create more matches with alternate accounts of yours (or I can do it with one of mine lol)
Posted 2010-November-23, 10:34
mtvesuvius, on 2010-November-23, 10:30, said:
Yes... and I see you also voted for duplicated boards.

More seriously though, if someone would like to volunteer as assistant TD, that would also be appreciated.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-November-23, 10:38
mgoetze, on 2010-November-23, 10:34, said:

More seriously though, if someone would like to volunteer as assistant TD, that would also be appreciated.

I do think it would be nice to discuss/post problem hands after, but perhaps duplicated boards wouldn't be too easy to do (and it wouldn't be practical for earlier rounds...)
Posted 2010-November-23, 11:34
mtvesuvius, on 2010-November-23, 10:38, said:
It's easy enough if I can start all the matches myself (though admittedly I wouldn't mind if it were easier yet)...
-- Bertrand Russell