bluejak, on 2012-February-29, 19:26, said:
I do not understand why declarer would adopt this line.
It is a very safe line to 11 tricks with a sure 12 tricks if the queens happens to drop. If the queen doesn't drop there is a very good chance of making 12 tricks anyway with trumps 3-2. If trumps are 4-1 it hardly matters whether you finesse now, or on the next round after entering dummy in clubs.
If you take the finesse and it wins, the odds of getting 12 tricks are about as high as when you don't finesse and the queen doesn't drop. If you take the finesse and it loses, you have much less of a chance to get 12 tricks.
bluejak, on 2012-February-29, 19:26, said:
There seem to me to be a number of possibilities that a club declarer might adopt, certainly including finessing in trumps. The fact that the best line leads to 12 tricks is insufficient reason to give 100% of 12 tricks [even assuming it is true: I have not checked].
The idea of an adjusted score under current Laws is to give a weighting of each reasonable possibility. Thus to give 100% of one score the likelihood of that particular score must be extremenly high, at least 85%, and I do not believe it is in this case.
I fully agree with you, except for the last part. In my opinion, not finessing is a hard line to find. But once you think of the possibility of not finessing, it is not that hard to determine that it is a better line than finessing.
Obviously, here the TD needs to make a judgement at the table: How likely is it that East will find this line? As I understood the OP, in this case East took the initiative of telling the TD that she would not finesse and she would make 12 tricks. A declarer who wouldn't have seen this line might well have said: "The queen was off side, so I never would have made 12 tricks."
If the declarer can explain the rationale for not finessing straight away at the table, I do not see any reason why I wouldn't believe her. I would be fairly sure (>>85%) that 12 tricks would have been the result if South would have followed suit. That is why I wrote that I would act ignorant for a while: to get declarer to explain why she wouldn't finesse. That would help me in judging how likely it really was that declarer would not finesse.
(It seems that she wasn't able to explain, but that only came to light after I posted that I would give 100% of 12 tricks if declarer would explain the line.)
I want my opponents to leave my table with a smile on their face and without matchpoints on their score card - in that order.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” (I found it!), but “That’s funny…” – Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg