Again no hands yet. It was Board 4
So to be clear, West opened 1♣ and East responded 1♦ out of turn.
So this is a Book ruling I can give quite routinely. I make sure that 1♣ and 1♦ are natural bids and I speak to South. "The first rights belong to you. You must not consult your partner about your choice. You can simply accept this 1♦ bid, make your call and the auction continues with no rectification whatsoever. If you don't want to do this you can refuse to accept it, then it is cancelled. (At this stage, I pick up the 1♦ card and turn it face down temporarily) The bidding goes back to your partner, North. If he Passes, then East must bid 1♦ again and that's the end of the matter. If however North makes any other call or bid, then East can make any call that he likes, but if he bids some number of Diamonds, his partner will have to Pass for one round, the first time it is his turn to call. If he makes any other call, his partner will have to Pass for the remainder of the auction. In the latter case if East never bids Diamonds in the auction and becomes a defender, there will be a lead penalty the first time that West has the lead, in that declarer may demand or forbid Diamond leads.
As so often happen in these circumstances (I'm obviously a poor director) South looks a bit blank and says "Sorry can you say that again? As I gird myself to repeat, North says (sic) "This is my bid," and takes the double card out of the table and places it on the table in front of him.
What do you say now? (Apart from uttering a horrified shriek and "You are not supposed to do that") (Actually I then said "Have you played Board 5 yet?" "No? Well in that case I think you'd better play that one while I decide what to about Board 4)
What do you decide?