Posted 2012-June-20, 19:46
Unfortunately, on the scale between expert players bidding flawlessly and drunk monkeys throwing random cards on the table, this auction appears to be closer to drunk monkeys.
Open 1♠, 2 suiters are notoriously hard to describe after opening 2♣.
Once you've opened 2♣, I'm ok with the space-saving 2♦ call. 2♠ is perfect given the previous (bad) 2♣ opening.
5♣ is nuts. Frankly, it should be exclusion for spades, since 3♣ and 3♦ are forcing. I would bid 3♦.
Over 5♣, 5♥ is really bad, you should pass given the lack of an initial 3♣ bid over 2♣, and assuming that you read partner's 5♣ bid as an offer to play.
6♣ is nuts again.
Pass is reasonable over 6 clubs. The play in 6 clubs is not very well thought out in my opinion. Ruff one diamond if you want (though I wouldn't even do that, preferring to cross to a heart, pull trump, fall back on favorable hearts, either 4-3 hearts, J doubleton, or K 3rd of clubs onside makes), but then pull trump; a cross-ruff in general is questionable, given the 8 top tricks, and 3/4 easily established tricks in clubs.
In summary: drunk monkeys < this auction & play <<< expert auction & play
Chris Gibson