1M-2m* - ARTIFICIAL GF Names of existing methods? Thoughts regarding use of these?
Posted 2012-August-15, 09:27
Thanks a lot!
1M-2m* = Multi GF (J2NT, some kind of balanced NT hands lacking trump (possibly single), natural (HCP range...not sure) (6+m), natural 5m+4x, or 3(4)+M w/ a void)
My idea is to split the bids among the 2/1s to allow for accurate descriptions of holdings and strengths. 1M-2N will be open to use for another type of bid.
What are your thoughts on playing something like this? Do you have any past experiences? How vulnerable would you consider this to preempts? I cannot imagine many hands where the opponents will preempt and we will have no clue which direction to go in.
Junior - Always looking for new partners to improve my play with..I have my fair share of brilliancy and blunders.
"Did your mother really marry a Mr Head and name her son Richard?" - jillybean
Posted 2012-August-15, 10:59
RunemPard, on 2012-August-15, 09:27, said:
Playing a symmetric relay like scheme, you only need 2♣ GF bid. Note that 5440 shapes are just shown as 5431, but in our experience, it hasn't come up so far.
1M - 2♣ (artificial GF):
2♦: All 5332, hands with 5+ minor
...........2S: 4+ clubs, exactly. 2N relays, then 3♣+ = <Template-1 with 5+M, 4♣>
...........2N: 5+5+ with M+♣, 3♣ relays, then 3♦+ = <Template-2 with 5+M, 5+♣>
...........3C: 5332 shapes
3♦+ = <Template-2 with 5M, 5+♦>
2♥: 4+ OM. 2♠ relays
...........2N: 5+5+ with both major. 3♣ relays, then:
.................3♦: High short
.................3♥: 6511/5611
.................3♠+ = 5521, etc.
...........3♣+: Follow <Template-1>
2♠: 5+M, 4♦ exactly, 2N relays
..................3♣: Short in OM. 3♦ relays, then 3♥+
..................3♦: 5M-2-4♦-2
..................3♥: 5M-3OM-4♦-1 ♣
..................3♠: 6M, 4♦, 2OM, 1 ♣
..................3N: 7M4♦-2-0 ♣
..................4C: 7411
2N: 6+ major, no singleton or void
3♣: 6+ major, high short
3♦: 6+ major, mid short
3♥: 6M33-1♣
3♠: 7M(32)-1♣
3N: 7M33-0♣
Of course, you will need to figure our what to do after shape is resolved, like DCB, RKC, etc...
Posted 2012-August-15, 13:01
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2012-August-16, 18:18
1♠ = 4+ cards 8 - 12 HCP
1N = Natural, not forcing. 8-11 HCP
2♣ = All GF. Asks AK Controls (Beta). [Opening 1M PROMISES 3 controls so response scale is 3,4,5.....]
2M = 8-12 We roll 3 card limit raises into this bid, so Opener must act with game interest opposite a max.
2♦, 2♥OM, 3♣ = Constructive Freebids 8-12 HCP and 5+ Cards - NONFORCING
3♦ = Constructive 4-card raise (Bergen)
2N = 11-12 Balanced, Natural Nonforcing(usually 2-card fit).
3N = 13-15 Balanced, Natural Nonforcing (usually 2-card fit).
3M = Limit Raise 4+ Cards.
4M = 2-way raise - 13-14 HCP w/4 trumps balanced or preempt
Constructive Freebids cause us to use Negative/Positive doubles (all GF Responder hands go through double when they overcall).
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-August-21, 09:52
Posted 2012-August-21, 23:27
I use 2♣ by an unpassed hand as "reverse drury", or a balanced hand from 10 hcp up without three card support (1444 would fit this "balanced" issue), or true game force with five clubs. Partner responds as if it was Reverse Drury.....
Partner rebids 2♦ with extra values, two of his major with minimum hand (no extra length needed), 2♥ if he opened 1♠ does not show extra values, but may have extras, three of either minor shows shape 5-5 and "extras". 2NT over 2♣ shows six card major and a four card club fit. The problem with the 2NT rebid is it has wrong sided notrump contracts when the 2♣ bid is the 1444 shape (although you might try 6=1 spade fit or 4=4 club fit), but on other hands you end up in the major or clubs. Of course, 2♠ rebid after opening 1♥ is a true reverse.
The advantage of this method might not be something you are looking into, but I combine this with a semi-forcing 1NT. This takes all good balanced hands and all hands with major support out of the forcing 1NT (making it now easily semi=forcing). It allows you to issue direct raises with very weak hands and fit (since constructive or better raises go through 2!C). It makes balancing back in on auctions that end in 2M more dangerous, as the 2♣ bidder might have, for instance 10 or 11 points balanced and pass 2M on an auction like 1M=2C=2M=PASS and if they bid you collect a nice doubled penalty bonus. But responder might also have a weaker hand with real spade support, so if they don't balance you might steal a cheap one.
Posted 2012-August-22, 03:38
Vampyr, on 2012-August-21, 09:52, said:
Didn't see any reference to Forcing NT above. Don't be thrown by the 8-11 HCP range for the natural nonforcing 1NT I cited. In Precision with 11 HCP opening bids, this range is the equivalent to 7-10. 6-9 doesn't work in Precision because 10-11 is not enough for a 2N bid opposite an 11 HCP opening bid. 2N should be more like 12-13...
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-August-22, 04:08
SteveMoe, on 2012-August-22, 03:38, said:
I saw "We will be using a F1NT". I assumed that this meant a forcing 1NT response, but perhaps I was mistaken.
Posted 2012-August-22, 19:08
'not 2C-GF' when 2/1 is 2D,2H,2oM.
I have a pair in our club playing this as 2/1-GF,
but they mean only 2C is GF.
Depending on what is in other 2/1's,
may not have too much unwinding.
Posted 2012-August-23, 00:09
Vampyr, on 2012-August-22, 04:08, said:
You are right! I missed this completely...
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-December-25, 13:51
Edit: I do have some details of her partnership with Daniela von Arnim.
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2012-December-26, 06:23
However, I'm not saying that this method is the best possible. Turning the whole thing upside down and letting responder show his shape and strength instead of opener may be better. You can start at 2♣ (1 step lower) but you haven't shown anything about shape yet and you also need some bids to raise opener's Major. I haven't thought this through, but at first glance I don't think it's better.
Posted 2012-December-26, 16:53
inquiry, on 2012-August-21, 23:27, said:
I use 2♣ by an unpassed hand as "reverse drury", or a balanced hand from 10 hcp up without three card support (1444 would fit this "balanced" issue), or true game force with five clubs. Partner responds as if it was Reverse Drury.....
Partner rebids 2♦ with extra values, two of his major with minimum hand (no extra length needed), 2♥ if he opened 1♠ does not show extra values, but may have extras, three of either minor shows shape 5-5 and "extras". 2NT over 2♣ shows six card major and a four card club fit. The problem with the 2NT rebid is it has wrong sided notrump contracts when the 2♣ bid is the 1444 shape (although you might try 6=1 spade fit or 4=4 club fit), but on other hands you end up in the major or clubs. Of course, 2♠ rebid after opening 1♥ is a true reverse.
The advantage of this method might not be something you are looking into, but I combine this with a semi-forcing 1NT. This takes all good balanced hands and all hands with major support out of the forcing 1NT (making it now easily semi=forcing). It allows you to issue direct raises with very weak hands and fit (since constructive or better raises go through 2!C). It makes balancing back in on auctions that end in 2M more dangerous, as the 2♣ bidder might have, for instance 10 or 11 points balanced and pass 2M on an auction like 1M=2C=2M=PASS and if they bid you collect a nice doubled penalty bonus. But responder might also have a weaker hand with real spade support, so if they don't balance you might steal a cheap one.
I like this method, and have been considering using it. Is it allowable in ACBL general chart? You mentioned the 2C bid shows either a constructive, limit raise, or GF raise. What are the follow ups to show each type?