oh noes, aces and spaces!
Posted 2012-September-24, 14:46
Yes, this was just another rant. btw I had 11 and passed but we still got a nice cozy score on +150, everyone else was in game but many people went down.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-24, 14:57
Posted 2012-September-24, 15:03
Posted 2012-September-24, 15:08
gwnn, on 2012-September-24, 14:46, said:
And thus is the habit reinforced.
Posted 2012-September-24, 15:45
The guideline by itself is probably too simplistic. AT9x AT9 AT9 AT9 looks like a great 1NT, but A432 A32 A32 A32 may be worth downgrading.
Posted 2012-September-24, 16:00
Ax Axx Axx Axxxx > Axxx Axx Ax Axxx > Axx Axx Axx Axxx.
Perhaps the Aces and Spaces argument came when partner was broke and we had to play with no cover cards opposite. I'll take my chances. There's always garbage stayman or the redouble runout to the rescue!
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2012-September-24, 17:20
When declarer holds slow winners, the play is often dictated by the opps, who have the fast tricks....and if they are as bad on defence as our putative declarers are on offence, then the defence will, in essence, often set up declarer's winners.
When declarer has the Aces and not the Kings, and not a lot of Queens either, maximizing one's tricks will usually call for a significant level of skill, in that one may need to recognize distributional odds, opportunities to eliminate holdings, and either an endplay, a squeeze, or some combination of squeeze and endplay.
Having the ability to control every suit is a huge asset but only when declarer is capable of seeing and implementing a plan. When declarer lacks technique, then Aces and Spaces are terrible.
Posted 2012-September-24, 17:54
Posted 2012-September-24, 18:20
Posted 2012-September-24, 20:45
Posted 2012-September-24, 22:02
Posted 2012-September-25, 02:54
Antrax, on 2012-September-24, 22:02, said:
What you were missing is the end of the principle: "slow values are better for NT then for suits", not "slow values are better for NT then fast values". Back in the day when I learned bridge under Culbertson, he advocated downgrading aces and spaces a little and even gave the example of a balanced hand with 4 aces as only worth a 1NT opening (whereas it would be too strong using pure HT evaluation). Unfortunately such sayings are still around and taken as gospel by many. It is up there with such gems of wisdom as "always lead top of partner's suit", "always cover an honour with an honour" and "always lead trumps against a slam". Anyone downgrading 4 aces to 12-14 or AAAK to 11-13 has a pretty serious evaluation problem! I hope your partner knows better now Csaba(?)
Posted 2012-September-25, 03:08
Quantumcat, on 2012-September-24, 20:45, said:
Maybe reconsider how you play this hand.
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-September-25, 03:24
Zelandakh, on 2012-September-25, 02:54, said:
Not really. billw55 is spot on I'm afraid.
George Carlin
Posted 2012-September-25, 04:48
Zelandakh, on 2012-September-25, 02:54, said:
Posted 2012-September-25, 05:22
barmar, on 2012-September-24, 18:29, said:
I expect many people will be aware of the story about John Collings who once decided to pass a hand with 10 solid spades, either planning to walk the dog or expecting to have a better idea of what to do on the next round. After the hand was unexpectedly passed out, he asked his partner what he had: "just 3 aces and nothing else...."
Posted 2012-September-25, 12:57
Posted 2012-September-25, 13:04
SteveMoe, on 2012-September-24, 16:00, said:
Ax Axx Axx Axxxx > Axxx Axx Ax Axxx > Axx Axx Axx Axxx.
Perhaps the Aces and Spaces argument came when partner was broke and we had to play with no cover cards opposite. I'll take my chances. There's always garbage stayman or the redouble runout to the rescue!
I am a proponent of the use of MLTC (as presented by Rosenkranz in his early books on Romex) but I have never heard of the argument that every two aces held more than queens reduces your loser count by 1. Yes, aces are better than queens, and counting them the same for loser count purposes will lead to a misevaluation of the trick taking potential of the hand. But MLTC is only one tool used in hand evaluation. It is not the be all and end all. And, given that partner is to evaluate his hand by counting cover cards, it is illogical to reduce the loser count in this manner.
This is aside from the fact that no one would use MLTC in evaluating a balanced hand for NT purposes. MLTC is used exclusively in hand evaluation for play in a suit contract.