ArtK78, on 2013-April-23, 23:26, said:
I suppose. It's just kind of Orwellian that we can say that the Tzarnaev brothers deployed WMDs, but we didn't find any in Iraq. Tell that to all the victims of IEDs over there.
The legal definition of WMD suggests that the explosive versions should have significant destructive power, by specifying the minimum explosive power. But the chemical, biological, and radioactive versions seem to allow any amount -- a hypodermic containing poison seems to fit the description. So even though "mass destruction" is in the name, it doesn't actually have to be able to cause massive destruction. Newspeak at its best.
But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I read the police blotter section of the town paper, and they'll report someone being arrested for "assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a person over the age of 65", and then in the description, it turns out that the "dangerous weapon" was a cell phone thrown at the victim's face.