Posted 2014-January-22, 18:39
I think it fairly clear, these days, that double of 3♥ is a try for 5♣. 4♣ is simply competing, but carrying with it the suggestion that partner is allowed to save over 4♥: by merely competing we are suggesting we are bidding primarily on shape.
However, I confess there are some very good players with whom I would have some doubt whether they'd be on the same page. Having bid 4♣, either because I didn't want to invite game, which is very reasonable, or because I feared a misunderstanding, I pass.
I don't expect to beat this two tricks very often and may not beat it at all, so doubling makes no imp sense.
As for the lead, a spade caters for partner being stiff or having a doubleton with the suit breaking 3-3 and my lead from AJ10 not costing a trick. That seems like an unlikely parlay, so I'll go for the more straightforward path to a beat: I will lead my diamond.
Declarer was probably always going right in diamonds on the auction, so I'm not blowing the suit, tho I may blow a valuable tempo. Meanwhile, all I need is one black suit entry and partner will tell me about, usually at trick one and, if not, then usually on the first round of trump.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari