Posted 2014-January-26, 13:27
W was lucky that N redoubled. if N passes, as he should over a non-negative double, East has a tough call, since the double was penalty....and it is entirely possible that the double was slow....which makes pulling really dubious....what if west had xx KQJ9x Axxx xx?
West has 2 choices over 4♥: a conservative pass or a very aggressive 4♠. The fact that neither is the least attractive is why most experienced, expert players play negative doubles here.
If West is at all hesitant, beyond the usual looking interested 10 seconds or so, then West should probably choose the overbid rather than the pass, which puts so much pressure on opener.
Personally, my preference is to play negative doubles through at least the entire 5 level, with the understanding that the higher the level, the less the double promises in terms of specific suit lengths and the more it shows 'transferable values'. At the higher levels, it is really an announcement of hand ownership, and opener is expected to pass quite often and to bid only with extra shape... altho this only becomes really so over 4♠ or higher.....opener doesn't need a lot of shape to pull a double of 4♥, for example, to 4♠.
Opening 1♠ is, with all respect to Robinson who is a fine player, something reserved for the lunatic fringe unless one has designed an entire method around distorting shape.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari