A GCC legal transfer opening structure?
Posted 2014-September-04, 04:47
1C = 4+ spades, 8+
1D = 4+ hearts, 8+
1M = 5+ suit, 8-14 (but might have been another range)
1NT = 13-17, no major
2m = 13-17 unbal, no major
2H = 18+ hcp, 5+ clubs and no major
2S = 18+ hcp, 5+ diamonds and no major
2NT = Cant remember, perhaps 18-20?
I'm unsure of the merits of this structure (I think it is an attempt to play a legal version of the forcing pass system Säfflespader), but would it be GCC legal? The 1m openings are nebulous, which seems to be legal when playing forcing club/diamond and the rest of the bids are either natural or strong.
Posted 2014-September-04, 07:43
Kungsgeten, on 2014-September-04, 04:47, said:
1D = 4+ hearts, 8+
1M = 5+ suit, 8-14 (but might have been another range)
1NT = 13-17, no major
2m = 13-17 unbal, no major
2H = 18+ hcp, 5+ clubs and no major
2S = 18+ hcp, 5+ diamonds and no major
2NT = Cant remember, perhaps 18-20?
I'm unsure of the merits of this structure (I think it is an attempt to play a legal version of the forcing pass system Säfflespader), but would it be GCC legal? The 1m openings are nebulous, which seems to be legal when playing forcing club/diamond and the rest of the bids are either natural or strong.
not even close to being gcc legal
the nebulous 1♣/1♦ must be 10+ hcp. not even sure their nebulous as their showing a suit.
2m not a allowed convention
2♥/2♠ transfers not allowed for 2-level openings
1M I presume shows a minor so is not allowed as a convention
that leaves only 1N/2N allowed
Posted 2014-September-04, 08:02
Posted 2014-September-04, 08:03
Kungsgeten, on 2014-September-04, 08:02, said:
Posted 2014-September-04, 09:05
steve2005, on 2014-September-04, 07:43, said:
1N not allowed either.
Edit: sorry, didn't realize that it promises a balanced hand.
Posted 2014-September-04, 17:00
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-September-04, 17:08
1M - should be fine, even if there is a negative inference that it's unbalanced.
1N - contrary to Helene's comment, any range with 8+ is allowed for 1N as long as it's generally balanced (no voids or singletons, usually). 13-17 balanced no major is fine and doesn't run into the conventional continuation restrictions either (since it's 10+ and the full range is 5 or less hcp)
2m - if these are natural (3+ in the bid suit), then they are completely legal. I believe that was what was meant
2M - these are strong, but that's not enough. However, if you ask partner for trump support (or A/K points or something similar), then these would be fine. It probably wouldn't be too hard to cast your responses in terms of support for openers minor in these sequences.
2N - this is fine if balanced or semi balanced.
Posted 2014-September-05, 12:58
Posted 2014-September-05, 18:23
Posted 2014-September-09, 13:00
Posted 2014-September-09, 13:21
antonylee, on 2014-September-09, 13:00, said:
I sincerely hope that you get caught and crucified.
Lying about your methods in order to avoid disclosure requirements is about as low as you can get.
Posted 2014-September-09, 14:14
hrothgar, on 2014-September-09, 13:21, said:
Lying about your methods in order to avoid disclosure requirements is about as low as you can get.
Why so hostile? Does Antony really have to put a smiley in such posts?
Posted 2014-September-09, 14:18
helene_t, on 2014-September-09, 14:14, said:
Because I have seen far too many people say these types of things in complete seriousness?
Posted 2014-September-16, 12:14
For example, when I played in the district and the national finals of the GNTC two years ago, I was playing (NV only) 2C=8-11 bal with 4+ clubs -- essentially a mini-notrump. This is a GCC-legal method -- I have an official ruling for that (saying in essence "it's a (semi)constructive natural opening and would be illegal if weaker"), which was questioned by the opps, and upheld by the DIC. Over that, we played 2D~ NF stayman with 3+D, 3C&3D~ F stayman with 3+ of the minor (essentially we lose "only" on invitational hands with a 4cM and not 3D, and GF 5=4=2=2 hands (with 4=5=2=2 we can start with 3H)).
Now if we alert these as "Stayman" this will certainly be ruled as illegal (as "conventions over weak twos with less than 5 cards"), so we alerted 2D as (if I remember well, wording not exact) "less than GF, 3+D (making it natural), usually 4+M" and 3m as "GF, 3+m, usually interested in opener's major holding".
I believe these satisfy full disclosure, but also say something about the problem we are discussing...
Posted 2014-September-17, 08:38
Posted 2014-September-17, 18:01
antonylee, on 2014-September-16, 12:14, said:
IMO, that's not GCC legal since it doesn't promise 5+ clubs. Conventional responses would also be disallowed under item 7 in the Disallowed section of the GCC charts. As we've seen, you can get "official" rulings that have no reliance on the actual rules.
Posted 2014-September-17, 19:20
johnu, on 2014-September-17, 18:01, said:
Natural bids are allowed and for minor suits that's showing 3+ cards. this covers both his 2♣ opening and the natural 2♦ response. Artificial responses aren't allowed when a natural two level bid is weak and doesn't promise 5+ cards, but natural responses are fine. However, it's not clear to me that an 8-11 range for 2♣ counts as "weak two bid" (a term not defined by the GCC), and if it were viewed as constructive rather than weak, the restriction on responses wouldn't apply at all.
Posted 2014-September-17, 20:16
Posted 2014-September-17, 23:55
rbforster, on 2014-September-17, 19:20, said:
There are several places in the ACBL alert documentation where opening bids on the 2 level are only considered "natural" if they contain 5+ cards, and 6+ cards on the 3 level. This is contradicted by your definition where a minor suit opening only needs 3 cards. This leads to the ridiculous interpretation that an opening 3♣ is natural on a 3 card suit. If there is no actual definition of "weak", just like there's no definition of "strong", then "constructive" is even less defined. There are a couple of places where 10 points are specifically mentioned for opening 1 bids, so it seems reasonable to me that "weak" 2's would have a lower range less than 10 points, but what do I know