mikeh, on 2015-March-30, 16:16, said:
pretty simple problem, as I see it. There just isn't any point to doing anything but exiting a small diamond at trick 3.
I don't think this problem is so simple at all. For one thing, after ducking the opening lead, we aren't on lead at trick 3.
I suspect you mean you would duck a diamond at trick 4. The point is that if clubs break evenly, we can run the clubs for enough tricks, but if they don't break then we will need to rely on the diamonds. We have to lose one diamond trick (at least) if the suit is to run, and it's convenient to do so on the first or second round of the suit so that we retain control after the third round in case they don't break. That is a common theme, but on this particular hand we could just as easily try the clubs first and fall back on the diamonds second. There is no particular rush.
I think it is probably better to win the second heart and try the clubs immediately. If they break there is no problem (other than overtricks). If they don't break then I think we retain more options. We can always finesse the diamonds and duck the second round to reach a similar position anyway. But I prefer trying clubs first for a few reasons.
- We force someone to make 2 discards on the clubs if they aren't breaking. This may lead to more defensive errors, such as someone pitching a diamond they can't afford. They will know more if we duck a diamond first and allow them to clear hearts.
- If clubs break, we retain a choice of whether to take a diamond or club finesse for an overtrick. An overtrick that was lost immediately when we ducked a diamond. In fact, if we (for some reason) judged that clubs were breaking, we could play off the AK of spades and the heart winner before crossing over, playing for a spade/diamond squeeze.
There are possibly advantages to ducking a diamond before trying clubs as well, but they aren't clear to me. If someone could state any, I would love to hear them. In any case, I dispute that this is a simple problem. And we didn't even get into what to discard on the second club winner - probably a spade, making if diamonds are no worse than 4-2 and they aren't able to get in to run hearts. But it could be right to discard a diamond, for example if west has Qx 9xxxx KJT8x Q then we will be forced to make after seeing the bad diamond break if we keep our spade threat, but if we keep our diamonds then after the queen finesse he will simply have enough winners remaining to defeat us. Not simple at all.
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