After a Spade lead, I won in dummy and lost the diamond finesse.
When they cleared spades I played the ♥J. If covered I have my 9th trick and ambitions for more but when it wasn't I decided to fly with the Ace and bank everything on the club finesse. That leads to 10 tricks and probably 11 since it was a random BBO matchpoint speedball.
Under the ♥A East dropped the ♥King! ♣J next (ducked) and with (at least) 9 in sight I flew with the Ace, ran the diamonds and led a low heart.
Pause for thought. Years ago my wife and I got 2 mutts from the pound. In the South African tradition, she got the muscle, a Rhodesion Ridgeback and I got the alarm, a Jack Russell. Not named yet, we braai'd (BBQ) up a couple of T-Bones and gave each pooch one of the leftovers. Hers savoured the bone while my little gal scarfed hers down, jumped up and ran to the front gate barking like a banshee.
The big one was right behind her when SWOOSH, there went the 2nd bone and I yelled out "Grosvenor!"
She's long gone but apparently still playing on BBO so I flew with the ♥Q and took my 9 tricks salvaging a 34% score but if I stick in the ♥9, I'm going down TWO.