This hand got quite nasty this week at a North London club. West led the six of spades and East won and made the natural return of a heart to West's ace. A second trump was deadly, and South, who looks and behaves like the Secretary Bird, could not even get out for one off. The -500 did not compare favourably with the many +790s on other tables, and cost 15 IMPs.
"Director", bellowed SB loudly. The TD arrived and SB continued: "West's opening lead showed a clear indication of UI from another source, and two Italians were recently referred on the basis of one hand only." He paused for breath. "I suspect West overheard something from another table or has hacked in to the club's duplimate program." "Either that, or East signalled for a spade lead in some way."
West was almost lost for words. "Actually, I thought I had led the ace of hearts", he riposted, "but I have arthritis and accidentally took out the six of spades, the card next to it."
"A likely story", replied SB, "you clearly had that old chestnut ready for when the **** hit the fan".
How would you rule, and what action would you take against SB?