There is no obligation to draw attention to an infraction of law committed by ones own
A player must not knowingly accept either the score for a trick that his side did not win or
the concession of a trick that his opponents could not lose.
the concession of a trick that his opponents could not lose.
Defending you or your partner revokes. Subsequently declarer claims. Are you violating Law 79 A2 if you accept a trick that you could not or would not have won without the revoke?
What if the player has revoked twice? Which means that the non-revoker knows - and I mean seriously knows - that declarer has 0=5=3=6 distribution, or there has been a revoke. So definitely knows partner has revoked.
The contract has gone down two.
Without the revoke on the same defence the contract would have gone down one.
With the revoke penalty applied the contract would have made.
Can you accept -2 without violating Law 79 2A?