Cyberyeti, on 2019-October-10, 12:39, said:
ALso depend if you can eliminate, running the Q is 100% if you only have these and 1+ trumps in each hand.
sorry - i misstated the contract. It was 6NT. I think I was wishing it had been spades:)
Anyway - no elimination play available.
I played the 7 to the queen and lost to the king. Then - opp led a club and I had to decide whether to take with the ace or finesse. Law of restricted choice led me to believe that north had the jack, but as I thought about it I just decided that south's lead of that suit meant that he knew the jack was out there. Anyway, I decided to play low and took the trick without playing my ace. So, I got my 2 clubs and made 6.
Many players were in 6NT - and most made it - so I thought the odds must be better playing one way vs. another. It is at a regional tournament - so I looked at all of the people who played the hand and only about 5 in the field went down at 6NT. I was surprised that so many people would have guessed right. I though law of restrictive choice would imply that if one has the jack, the other has the king. If that is the case here, seems like you cannot get 2 tricks without losing 2 first.