Can you reach 7♦?
My partner chose to pass as N, then raise my 3♠ balance to 4... with trumps breaking 5-2, it wasn't a success...
Is a 4♦ overcall reasonable with her hand (6-4, good suits, but red and a little light in HCPs given the stiff K)?
Should I balance w/ something else (4♥ seems a bit extreme, 3NT ok for the stopper but where are my tricks coming from, X and gulp over ♣ bid by partner)?
FWIW, in the otehr room S made a TOX and after his partner jumped to 5♦, for reasons only known to himself, passed. Luckily, 740 is on the "good" side of the IMP limit ...but we nevertheless ended up winning 88-45
I guess 4♦ over 3♠ should be forcing, and 4NT over that to play, so we cue 4♥, 4♠, and now 4NT and "en route !".
South might have protected with 4♦ Non-leaping Michaels, when the Grand might well be reached. 4♦ seems a slight over-bid, however. Hence, IMO, MikeH nailed it.