I hacked this script to validate it using random deals.
You can plug in a hand shape (say 5-4-3-1) and get the probability that it is replicated in one or more suits.
The results are discussed in the above linked thread.
Please only comment on script bugs or technical issues here.
Dealer that works script:
# "Law of Symmetry" Validation
############# insert shape of S hand as four numbers below
S_sp = 5
S_he = 4
S_di = 4
S_cl = 0
S_hand = ((spades(south) == S_sp) and (hearts(south) == S_he) and (diamonds(south) == S_di) and(clubs(south) == S_cl))
W_sp = spades(west)
W_he = hearts(west)
W_di = diamonds(west)
W_cl = clubs(west)
N_sp = spades(north)
N_he = hearts(north)
N_di = diamonds(north)
N_cl = clubs(north)
E_sp = spades(east)
E_he = hearts(east)
E_di = diamonds(east)
E_cl = clubs(east)
sp_ok = (W_sp == S_he and N_sp == S_di and E_sp == S_cl)
or (W_sp == S_he and N_sp == S_cl and E_sp == S_di)
or (W_sp == S_di and N_sp == S_he and E_sp == S_cl)
or (W_sp == S_di and N_sp == S_cl and E_sp == S_he)
or (W_sp == S_cl and N_sp == S_he and E_sp == S_di)
or (W_sp == S_cl and N_sp == S_di and E_sp == S_he)
he_ok = (W_he == S_sp and N_he == S_di and E_he == S_cl)
or (W_he == S_sp and N_he == S_cl and E_he == S_di)
or (W_he == S_di and N_he == S_sp and E_he == S_cl)
or (W_he == S_di and N_he == S_cl and E_he == S_sp)
or (W_he == S_cl and N_he == S_sp and E_he == S_di)
or (W_he == S_cl and N_he == S_di and E_he == S_sp)
di_ok = (W_di == S_sp and N_di == S_he and E_di == S_cl)
or (W_di == S_sp and N_di == S_cl and E_di == S_he)
or (W_di == S_he and N_di == S_sp and E_di == S_cl)
or (W_di == S_he and N_di == S_cl and E_di == S_sp)
or (W_di == S_cl and N_di == S_sp and E_di == S_he)
or (W_di == S_cl and N_di == S_he and E_di == S_sp)
cl_ok = (W_cl == S_sp and N_cl == S_he and E_cl == S_di)
or (W_cl == S_sp and N_cl == S_di and E_cl == S_he)
or (W_cl == S_he and N_cl == S_sp and E_cl == S_di)
or (W_cl == S_he and N_cl == S_di and E_cl == S_sp)
or (W_cl == S_di and N_cl == S_sp and E_cl == S_he)
or (W_cl == S_di and N_cl == S_he and E_cl == S_sp)
tot_ok = sp_ok + he_ok + di_ok + cl_ok
produce 1000
condition S_hand
###### uncomment ONE action below ##########
#action printes ("Hand Shape: ",S_sp,S_he,S_di,S_cl," Suits same shape: ", sp_ok,he_ok,di_ok,cl_ok,\n)
#action frequency(sp_ok,0,1)
#action frequency(he_ok,0,1)
#action frequency(di_ok,0,1)
#action frequency(cl_ok,0,1)
action frequency(tot_ok,0,4)