smerriman, on 2022-January-25, 19:01, said:
You've likely got some setting in your browser that is blocking popups.
If you right click on the Movie link and choose inspect, you'll see the link has onclick="hv_popuplin('
xxx');'red';return false;"
That should result in a popup with the URL
https://www.bridgeba...html?bbo=y&lin=xxx, which is the one to save.
I disabled the Adblocker and went to advanced settings where I specifically allowed to show redirects and popups.
Chrome blocks these by default.
If I inspect the link as you suggest I can see that the whole link is present in the inspector tab (in both C and FF) but cannot get it to show in chrome.
Then I allowed all popups and redirects and I still get:
So I opened firefox (which I think you are using) and get:
https://www.bridgeba...pilowsky,number one,system_k_k,Millbank22|st||md|2S59H389KD36AC34TQ%2CS47TJAHJQD89QKC29%2CS236QH7TAD47JC5JK%2C|rh||ah|Board 4|sv|b|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|HT|pc|H2|pc|H3|pc|HQ|pc|S4|pc|S2|pc|SK|pc|S5|pc|S8|pc|S9|pc|ST|pc|SQ|pc|HA|pc|H4|pc|H8|pc|HJ|pc|H7|pc|H6|pc|H9|pc|S7|pc|C2|pc|C5|pc|CA|pc|C3|pc|D2|pc|D3|pc|DQ|pc|D4|pc|SA|pc|S3|pc|H5|pc|HK|pc|SJ|pc|S6|pc|D5|pc|D6|pc|C9|pc|CJ|pc|C6|pc|C4|pc|CK|pc|C7|pc|CT|pc|D8|pc|D7|pc|DT|pc|DA|pc|D9|pc|CQ|pc|DK|pc|DJ|pc|C8|
Suggesting this is a Chrome issue.
This may be a problem since although I quite like Firefox, most people don't prefer it.
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